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Pokétopia Gateway Colosseum – Rental Battle – Battle 1 de⧚Pokétopia Gateway Colosseum – Rental Battle – Battle 1⧛ Desafío Préstamo en el Coliseo Pórtico de Pokétopia: 1er combate fr⧚Pokétopia Gateway Colosseum – Rental Battle – Battle 1⧛ Lotta a Noleggio dell'Arena galleggiante di Pokétopia – Lotta 1
Pokétopia Gateway Colosseum – Trade Battle – Battle 1 de⧚Pokétopia Gateway Colosseum – Trade Battle – Battle 1⧛ Desafío Intercambio en el Coliseo Pórtico de Pokétopia: 1er combate fr⧚Pokétopia Gateway Colosseum – Trade Battle – Battle 1⧛ Lotta a Baratto dell'Arena galleggiante di Pokétopia – Lotta 1
Pokétopia Main Street Colosseum – Knockout Battle – Battle 1 de⧚Pokétopia Main Street Colosseum – Knockout Battle – Battle 1⧛ Desafío K.O. en el Coliseo Calle Mayor de Pokétopia: 1er combate fr⧚Pokétopia Main Street Colosseum – Knockout Battle – Battle 1⧛ Lotta KO dell'Arena Centrocittà di Pokétopia – Lotta 1
Waterfall Colosseum – Team Battle – Battle 1 de⧚Waterfall Colosseum – Team Battle – Battle 1⧛ Desafío Parejas en el Coliseo Cascada: 1er combate fr⧚Waterfall Colosseum – Team Battle – Battle 1⧛ Lotta di Squadra dell'Arena Cascata – Lotta 1
Neon Colosseum – Fortune Battle – Battle 1 de⧚Neon Colosseum – Fortune Battle – Battle 1⧛ Desafío Aleatorio en el Coliseo Neon: 1er combate fr⧚Neon Colosseum – Fortune Battle – Battle 1⧛ Lotta a Sorte dell'Arena Neon – Lotta 1
Crystal Colosseum – Tournament Battle – First Match de⧚Crystal Colosseum – Tournament Battle – First Match⧛ Desafío Torneo en el Coliseo Cristal: 1ª eliminatoria fr⧚Crystal Colosseum – Tournament Battle – First Match⧛ Lotta Torneo dell'Arena Cristallo – Incontro 1
Sunny Park Colosseum – Knockout Battle – Battle 1 de⧚Sunny Park Colosseum – Knockout Battle – Battle 1⧛ Desafío K.O. en el Coliseo Vergel: 1er combate fr⧚Sunny Park Colosseum – Knockout Battle – Battle 1⧛ Lotta KO dell'Arena Parco – Lotta 1
Sunny Park Colosseum – Little Battle – Battle 1 de⧚Sunny Park Colosseum – Little Battle – Battle 1⧛ Desafío Menor en el Coliseo Vergel: 1er combate fr⧚Sunny Park Colosseum – Little Battle – Battle 1⧛ Lotta Mini dell'Arena Cristallo – Lotta 1
Magma Colosseum – League Battle – First Match de⧚Magma Colosseum – League Battle – First Match⧛ Desafío Liguilla en el Coliseo Magma: 1ª eliminatoria fr⧚Magma Colosseum – League Battle – First Match⧛ Lotta Sfida dell'Arena Vulcano – Incontro 1
Sunset Colosseum – Select Battle – Battle 1 de⧚Sunset Colosseum – Select Battle – Battle 1⧛ Desafío Selección en el Coliseo Ocaso: 1er combate fr⧚Sunset Colosseum – Select Battle – Battle 1⧛ Lotta a Scelta dell'Arena Tramonto – Lotta 1
Courtyard Colosseum – Knockout Battle – Battle 1 de⧚Courtyard Colosseum – Knockout Battle – Battle 1⧛ Desafío K.O. en el Coliseo Bastión: 1er combate fr⧚Courtyard Colosseum – Knockout Battle – Battle 1⧛ Lotta KO dell'Arena Corte – Lotta 1
Lagoon Colosseum – Tournament Battle – First Match de⧚Lagoon Colosseum – Tournament Battle – First Match⧛ Desafío Torneo en el Coliseo Atolón: 1er eliminatoria fr⧚Lagoon Colosseum – Tournament Battle – First Match⧛ Lotta Torneo dell'Arena Atollo – Incontro 1
Courtyard Colosseum – Survival Battle – Battle 1 – The first step on a long and dangerous path is taken. de⧚Courtyard Colosseum – Survival Battle – Battle 1 – The first step on a long and dangerous path is taken.⧛ Desafío Supervivencia en el Coliseo Bastión: 1er combate – Este es el primer paso en un largo y duro camino. fr⧚Courtyard Colosseum – Survival Battle – Battle 1 – The first step on a long and dangerous path is taken.⧛ Lotta Resistenza dell'Arena Corte – Lotta 1 – Abbiamo mosso il primo passo su una strada lunga e rischiosa.
Stargazer Colosseum – Pokétopia Championship – Battle 1 – The Battle to determine the strongest trainer begins now de⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Pokétopia Championship – Battle 1 – The Battle to determine the strongest trainer begins now⧛ Campeonato de Pokétopia en el Coliseo Planetario: 1er combate – En este desafío se decidirá quién es el entrenador más fuerte. fr⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Pokétopia Championship – Battle 1 – The Battle to determine the strongest trainer begins now⧛ Campionato di Pokétopia dell'Arena Cielstellato – Lotta 1 – Sta per iniziare la lotta che determinerà l'allenatore più forte.
Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 1 de⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 1⧛ Desafío de Maestros en el Coliseo Planetario: 1ª vuelta fr⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 1⧛ Lotta Master dell'Arena Cielstellato – Set 1
Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 2 de⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 2⧛ Desafío de Maestros en el Coliseo Planetario: 2ª vuelta fr⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 2⧛ Lotta Master dell'Arena Cielstellato – Set 2
Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 3 de⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 3⧛ Desafío de Maestros en el Coliseo Planetario: 3ª vuelta fr⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 3⧛ Lotta Master dell'Arena Cielstellato – Set 3
Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 4 de⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 4⧛ Desafío de Maestros en el Coliseo Planetario: 4ª vuelta fr⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 4⧛ Lotta Master dell'Arena Cielstellato – Set 4
Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 5 de⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 5⧛ Desafío de Maestros en el Coliseo Planetario: 5ª vuelta fr⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 5⧛ Lotta Master dell'Arena Cielstellato – Set 5
Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 6 de⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 6⧛ Desafío de Maestros en el Coliseo Planetario: 6ª vuelta fr⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 6⧛ Lotta Master dell'Arena Cielstellato – Set 6
Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 7 de⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 7⧛ Desafío de Maestros en el Coliseo Planetario: 7ª vuelta fr⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Set 7⧛ Lotta Master dell'Arena Cielstellato – Set 7
Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Final Set de⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Final Set⧛ Desafío de Maestros en el Coliseo Planetario: Última vuelta fr⧚Stargazer Colosseum – Masters Battle – Final Set⧛ Lotta Master dell'Arena Cielstellato – Ultimo set
Courtyard Colosseum – Survival Battle – Battle 1 – Can the Challenger survive long enough to get a new record? de⧚Courtyard Colosseum – Survival Battle – Battle 1 – Can the Challenger survive long enough to get a new record?⧛ Desafío Supervivencia en el Coliseo Bastión: 1er combate – ¿Aguantará el equipo aspirante lo suficiente para batir su propio récord? fr⧚Courtyard Colosseum – Survival Battle – Battle 1 – Can the Challenger survive long enough to get a new record?⧛ Lotta Resistenza dell'Arena Corte – Lotta 1 – Riuscirà lo sfidante a resistere abbastanza per ottenere un nuovo record?
Courtyard Colosseum – Survival Battle – Battle 1 – Can the Challenger survive long enough to get a new record? de⧚Courtyard Colosseum – Survival Battle – Battle 1 – Can the Challenger survive long enough to get a new record?⧛ Desafío Supervivencia en el Coliseo Bastión: 1er combate – ¿Aguantará el equipo aspirante lo suficiente para batir su propio récord? fr⧚Courtyard Colosseum – Survival Battle – Battle 1 – Can the Challenger survive long enough to get a new record?⧛ it⧚Courtyard Colosseum – Survival Battle – Battle 1 – Can the Challenger survive long enough to get a new record?⧛
The Colosseum battle is now at its final stage. A stronger opponent is going to appear. de⧚The Colosseum battle is now at its final stage. A stronger opponent is going to appear.⧛ es⧚The Colosseum battle is now at its final stage. A stronger opponent is going to appear.⧛ fr⧚The Colosseum battle is now at its final stage. A stronger opponent is going to appear.⧛ La lotta di questa Arena è giunta al suo capitolo finale. Sta per scendere in campo un avversario più forte che mai.
The challenger, who's already come this far, is going to face their final opponent. de⧚The challenger, who's already come this far, is going to face their final opponent.⧛ El equipo aspirante ha llegado muy lejos, pero tendrá que verselas ahora con su mayor rival. fr⧚The challenger, who's already come this far, is going to face their final opponent.⧛ Il nostro sfidante che si è fatto strada fino a qui sta per trovarsi faccia a faccia con l'ultimo avversario.
The strongest trainer in Pokétopia, the one who stands above the Colosseum Masters, is now entering. de⧚The strongest trainer in Pokétopia, the one who stands above the Colosseum Masters, is now entering.⧛ El mejor entrenador de Pokétopia, adalid de los maestros Coliseos, hace su aparición. fr⧚The strongest trainer in Pokétopia, the one who stands above the Colosseum Masters, is now entering.⧛ Ed ecco a voi l'allenatore più forte di Pokétopia, colui che si innalza al di sopra dei Master di tutte le Arene.
The winner of this battle will become the winner of the tournament. This one's important. de⧚The winner of this battle will become the winner of the tournament. This one's important.⧛ Este combate es decisivo: quien gana se llevará todos los honores. fr⧚The winner of this battle will become the winner of the tournament. This one's important.⧛ L'allenatore che si aggiudicherà la vittoria in questa lotta vincerà il torneo. Questa sì che è una lotta importante.
The League Battle at the Magma Colosseum is in its final match. de⧚The League Battle at the Magma Colosseum is in its final match.⧛ El Desafío Liguilla del Coliseo Magma toca a su fin. fr⧚The League Battle at the Magma Colosseum is in its final match.⧛ La Lotta Sfida nell'Arena Vulcano è giunta al capitolo finale.
This is the tenth battle in Survival Battle. Here comes a fierce opponent. Let's see if the challenger can survive. de⧚This is the tenth battle in Survival Battle. Here comes a fierce opponent. Let's see if the challenger can survive.⧛ Comienza el décimo combate del Desafío Supervivencia. El aspirante tiene ante sí un formidable reto. ¿Podrá con el? fr⧚This is the tenth battle in Survival Battle. Here comes a fierce opponent. Let's see if the challenger can survive.⧛ È la decima sfida della Lotta Resistenza. Il prossimo avversario è un osso duro. Chissà se il nostro sfidante riuscirà a cavarsela anche questa volta.
The Survival Battle is entering its fiftieth battle. How many more battles can the Challenger win? de⧚The Survival Battle is entering its fiftieth battle. How many more battles can the Challenger win?⧛ es⧚The Survival Battle is entering its fiftieth battle. How many more battles can the Challenger win?⧛ fr⧚The Survival Battle is entering its fiftieth battle. How many more battles can the Challenger win?⧛ Sta per iniziare la cinquantesima sfida della Lotta Resistenza. Quante vittorie riuscirà ad aggiudicarsi ancora lo sfidante?
The Survival Battle is entering its record-breaking 100th battle. Let's hear it for the Challenger and their Pokémon. de⧚The Survival Battle is entering its record-breaking 100th battle. Let's hear it for the Challenger and their Pokémon.⧛ Estamos ante, todo un récord, el combate número cien del Desafío Supervivencia. Veamos cómo responde el equipo aspirante. fr⧚The Survival Battle is entering its record-breaking 100th battle. Let's hear it for the Challenger and their Pokémon.⧛ Sta per iniziare la centesima sfida della Lotta Resistenza. Un risultato da record. Un applauso per lo sfidante e i suoi Pokémon.
from the Blue corner de⧚from the Blue corner⧛ En la esquina azul, tenemos a fr⧚from the Blue corner⧛ per il team blu
and from the Red corner de⧚and from the Red corner⧛ y en la roja, a fr⧚and from the Red corner⧛ e per il team rosso
here they come de⧚here they come⧛ Que empiece el espectáculo. fr⧚here they come⧛ eccoli
from the Blue corner de⧚from the Blue corner⧛ En la esquina azul, tenemos a fr⧚from the Blue corner⧛ per il team blu
and from the Red corner de⧚and from the Red corner⧛ y en la roja, a fr⧚and from the Red corner⧛ e per il team rosso
such energy de⧚such energy⧛ Qué despliegue de fuerzas. fr⧚such energy⧛ che energia
The Pokémon from both corners are all here. de⧚The Pokémon from both corners are all here.⧛ es⧚The Pokémon from both corners are all here.⧛ fr⧚The Pokémon from both corners are all here.⧛ it⧚The Pokémon from both corners are all here.⧛
from the Blue corner de⧚from the Blue corner⧛ En la esquina azul, tenemos a fr⧚from the Blue corner⧛ per il team blu
and from the Red corner de⧚and from the Red corner⧛ y en la roja, a fr⧚and from the Red corner⧛ e per il team rosso
here they come de⧚here they come⧛ Que empiece el espectáculo. fr⧚here they come⧛ eccoli
from the Blue corner de⧚from the Blue corner⧛ En la esquina azul, tenemos a fr⧚from the Blue corner⧛ per il team blu
and from the Red corner de⧚and from the Red corner⧛ y en la roja, a fr⧚and from the Red corner⧛ e per il team rosso
such energy de⧚such energy⧛ Qué despliegue de fuerzas. fr⧚such energy⧛ che energia
This is an important battle for both trainers. de⧚This is an important battle for both trainers.⧛ Este es un combate importante para ambos equipos. fr⧚This is an important battle for both trainers.⧛ È una lotta fondamentale per entrambi gli allenatori.
Both corners are full of energy so we're sure to see a great battle. de⧚Both corners are full of energy so we're sure to see a great battle.⧛ Ambas esquinas presentan oponentes muy interesantes. El combate promete. fr⧚Both corners are full of energy so we're sure to see a great battle.⧛ I Pokémon di ambedue i team sprizzano energia da tutti I pori. Sarà una lotta incredibile.
They're ready to battle and are awaiting their trainers' orders. de⧚They're ready to battle and are awaiting their trainers' orders.⧛ Los Pokémon están listos para la acción y esperan sus respectivas órdenes. fr⧚They're ready to battle and are awaiting their trainers' orders.⧛ Sono pronti per la lotta e aspettano soltanto gli ordini dai rispettivi allenatori.
Both corners are so full of energy that there's no doubt this'll be a great battle. de⧚Both corners are so full of energy that there's no doubt this'll be a great battle.⧛ Este va a ser un duelo entre titanes. El combate va a estar de lo más emocionante. fr⧚Both corners are so full of energy that there's no doubt this'll be a great battle.⧛ Entrambi i team sono così pieni di energia che la lotta non potrà che essere sfolgorante.
Wow. Giant Pokémon sure do make this Colosseum look tiny. de⧚Wow. Giant Pokémon sure do make this Colosseum look tiny.⧛ Con Pokémon de este tamaño, el Coliseo parece diminuto. fr⧚Wow. Giant Pokémon sure do make this Colosseum look tiny.⧛ Wow! Rispetto a Pokémon così grandi quest'arena sembra piccolissima.
Is it just me or is it getting a little chilly in here? de⧚Is it just me or is it getting a little chilly in here?⧛ es⧚Is it just me or is it getting a little chilly in here?⧛ fr⧚Is it just me or is it getting a little chilly in here?⧛ Sono io o l'atmosfera si sta veramente raggelando qui?
The Colosseum is heating up as the spectators wait for the battle to begin. de⧚The Colosseum is heating up as the spectators wait for the battle to begin.⧛ El ambiente se está caldeando mientras los espectadores aguardan impacientes el inicio del combate. fr⧚The Colosseum is heating up as the spectators wait for the battle to begin.⧛ L'atmosfera nell'arena si sta infiammando nell'attesa che la sfida abbia inizio.
From the dense fog of the Colosseum, the Pokémon appear. de⧚From the dense fog of the Colosseum, the Pokémon appear.⧛ Los Pokémon aparecen en el Coliseo entre jirones de niebla. fr⧚From the dense fog of the Colosseum, the Pokémon appear.⧛ Ed ecco che i Pokémon fanno la loro apparizione nella densa nebbia dell'arena.
Now, it's time for all-out combat. de⧚Now, it's time for all-out combat.⧛ es⧚Now, it's time for all-out combat.⧛ fr⧚Now, it's time for all-out combat.⧛ it⧚Now, it's time for all-out combat.⧛
The sight of Pokémon battling against a beautiful sunset, it's truly moving. de⧚The sight of Pokémon battling against a beautiful sunset, it's truly moving.⧛ es⧚The sight of Pokémon battling against a beautiful sunset, it's truly moving.⧛ fr⧚The sight of Pokémon battling against a beautiful sunset, it's truly moving.⧛ I Pokémon impegnati nella lotta, un tramonto magnifico, che vista commovente!
This ancient Colosseum will once again bear witness to history in the making. de⧚This ancient Colosseum will once again bear witness to history in the making.⧛ es⧚This ancient Colosseum will once again bear witness to history in the making.⧛ fr⧚This ancient Colosseum will once again bear witness to history in the making.⧛ it⧚This ancient Colosseum will once again bear witness to history in the making.⧛
The Pokémon have appeared and not even the magma's heat can stop them. de⧚The Pokémon have appeared and not even the magma's heat can stop them.⧛ Los Pokémon están listos para la acción, ni la lava más ardiente podría detenerles. fr⧚The Pokémon have appeared and not even the magma's heat can stop them.⧛ I Pokémon sono scesi in campo e neppure il calore del magma può fermarli.
The relaxing waterfall seems to be heightening the Pokémon's concentration. de⧚The relaxing waterfall seems to be heightening the Pokémon's concentration.⧛ El relajante borboteo de agua parece agudizar la concentración de los Pokémon. fr⧚The relaxing waterfall seems to be heightening the Pokémon's concentration.⧛ Pare che i Pokémon riescano a concentrarsi meglio grazie al rumore delle cascate.
The once peaceful air is now turning thick with tension at the appearance of such intense Pokémon. de⧚The once peaceful air is now turning thick with tension at the appearance of such intense Pokémon.⧛ La aparición de estos Pokémon ha creado de repente mucha expectación. fr⧚The once peaceful air is now turning thick with tension at the appearance of such intense Pokémon.⧛ L'atmosfera si carica improvvisamente di tensione all'apparire di questi Pokémon scalpitanti.
Little Pokémon are a fan favorite here at Sunny Park. de⧚Little Pokémon are a fan favorite here at Sunny Park.⧛ En el Coliseo Vergel, los Pokémon más pequeños son los favoritos del público. fr⧚Little Pokémon are a fan favorite here at Sunny Park.⧛ I Pokémon piccoli sono molti amati dagli spettatori qui al parco.
Illuminated by the beautiful neon light, an exciting battle is about to begin. de⧚Illuminated by the beautiful neon light, an exciting battle is about to begin.⧛ Brillantes luces de neon ilumina la arena donde se celebrará el combate. fr⧚Illuminated by the beautiful neon light, an exciting battle is about to begin.⧛ Nella magnifica atmosfera creata dalle luci al neon sta per iniziare una lotta memorabile.
Lit by eerily beautiful moonlight, the Pokémon await their trainers' orders. de⧚Lit by eerily beautiful moonlight, the Pokémon await their trainers' orders.⧛ Iluminados por la luz de la luna, los Pokémon aguardan sus órdenes. fr⧚Lit by eerily beautiful moonlight, the Pokémon await their trainers' orders.⧛ Illuminati da una magnifica luna, i Pokémon attendono gli ordini dai loro allenatori.
Millions of stars flicker in the night as we stand on this meteorite. An exciting battle is about to begin in an world of illusion created by the Pokétopia Master. de⧚Millions of stars flicker in the night as we stand on this meteorite. An exciting battle is about to begin in an world of illusion created by the Pokétopia Master.⧛ El cielo nocturno resplandece con millones de estrellas. Un emocionante combate está a punto de comenzar en este mundo mágico creado por el Maestro de Pokétopia. fr⧚Millions of stars flicker in the night as we stand on this meteorite. An exciting battle is about to begin in an world of illusion created by the Pokétopia Master.⧛ Le stelle brillano a milioni nel cielo stellato che avvolge questa arena. Un'emozionante lotta sta per iniziare in questo mondo fantastico creato dal master di Pokétopia.
The Pokémon are softly lit by the glow of the crystals. de⧚The Pokémon are softly lit by the glow of the crystals.⧛ es⧚The Pokémon are softly lit by the glow of the crystals.⧛ fr⧚The Pokémon are softly lit by the glow of the crystals.⧛ Lo scintillio dei cristalli illumina dolcemente i Pokémon.
The Pokémon stand heroically against an inspiring view of Pokétopia at night. de⧚The Pokémon stand heroically against an inspiring view of Pokétopia at night.⧛ La silueta de los Pokémon se recorta en la noche, una imagen inolvidable de Pokétopia. fr⧚The Pokémon stand heroically against an inspiring view of Pokétopia at night.⧛ I Pokémon si stagliano sul meraviglioso sfondo di Pokétopia e nella luce della notte il loro profilo ricorda quello di valorosi eroi.
Thousands have gathered at this Colosseum located on the Main Street of Pokétopia to witness the big battle that is about to unfold. de⧚Thousands have gathered at this Colosseum located on the Main Street of Pokétopia to witness the big battle that is about to unfold.⧛ Miles de espectadores abarrotan el Coliseo situado en la vía principal de Pokétopia para presenciar el gran combate que va a celebrarse. fr⧚Thousands have gathered at this Colosseum located on the Main Street of Pokétopia to witness the big battle that is about to unfold.⧛ Migliaia di spettatori sono giunti in quest'arena, situata nella strada principale di Pokétopia, per assistere a un'emozionante lotta.
Which Pokémon is going to make the first move? de⧚Which Pokémon is going to make the first move?⧛ ¿Qué Pokémon se decidirá atacar primero? fr⧚Which Pokémon is going to make the first move?⧛ Quale Pokémon farà la prima mossa?
Both trainers are carefully planning their strategy. de⧚Both trainers are carefully planning their strategy.⧛ Ambos equipos parecen estar replanteando su estrategia. fr⧚Both trainers are carefully planning their strategy.⧛ Gli allenatori stanno valutando attentamente le loro strategie.
suddenly calls their Pokémon back de⧚suddenly calls their Pokémon back⧛ llama sorprendentemente a su Pokémon fr⧚suddenly calls their Pokémon back⧛ richiama il Pokémon all'improvviso
calls their Pokémon back de⧚calls their Pokémon back⧛ llama a su Pokémon fr⧚calls their Pokémon back⧛ cambia schieramento
It went down as soon as it came out. de⧚It went down as soon as it came out.⧛ El Pokémon se debilitó nada más a lid en la arena. fr⧚It went down as soon as it came out.⧛ È appena sceso in campo ed è già KO.
The other Pokémon is also being shifted out. de⧚The other Pokémon is also being shifted out.⧛ Otro cambio de Pokémon. fr⧚The other Pokémon is also being shifted out.⧛ Anche l'altro Pokémon viene sostituito.
shifts out their Pokémon as well de⧚shifts out their Pokémon as well⧛ también cambia su equipo Pokémon. fr⧚shifts out their Pokémon as well⧛ fa una sostituzione a sua volta
It seems that its physical condition is not so good. de⧚It seems that its physical condition is not so good.⧛ No parece disfrutar de muy buenas condiciones físicas. fr⧚It seems that its physical condition is not so good.⧛ La condizioni non sembrano essere delle migliori.
Its Healing Wish has come true and the Pokémon has recovered. de⧚Its Healing Wish has come true and the Pokémon has recovered.⧛ Deseo Cura se ha hecho realidad y el Pokémon se ha recuperado. fr⧚Its Healing Wish has come true and the Pokémon has recovered.⧛ Il Pokémon si è ripreso grazie a Curardore.
Lunar Dance recovers its health. de⧚Lunar Dance recovers its health.⧛ Ha recobrado su salud gracias a Danza Lunar. fr⧚Lunar Dance recovers its health.⧛ Si riprende grazie a Lunardanza.
The second set of Pokémon have appeared. de⧚The second set of Pokémon have appeared.⧛ La segunda pareja de Pokémon sale a la arena. fr⧚The second set of Pokémon have appeared.⧛ Ed ecco i Pokémon che si affronteranno nel secondo round.
The third set of Pokémon have appeared. de⧚The third set of Pokémon have appeared.⧛ La tercera pareja de Pokémon sale a la arena. fr⧚The third set of Pokémon have appeared.⧛ Ed ecco i Pokémon che si affronteranno nel terzo round.
The fourth set of Pokémon have appeared. de⧚The fourth set of Pokémon have appeared.⧛ La cuarta pareja de Pokémon sale a la arena. fr⧚The fourth set of Pokémon have appeared.⧛ Ed ecco i Pokémon che si affronteranno nel quarto round.
The last set of Pokémon have appeared. de⧚The last set of Pokémon have appeared.⧛ La última pareja de Pokémon sale a la arena. fr⧚The last set of Pokémon have appeared.⧛ Ed ecco i Pokémon che si affronteranno nell'ultimo round.
With the appearance of Kyogre, it's now pouring rain in the Colosseum. de⧚With the appearance of Kyogre, it's now pouring rain in the Colosseum.⧛ En cuanto Kyogre ha hecho acto de presencia, ha empezado de diluviar. fr⧚With the appearance of Kyogre, it's now pouring rain in the Colosseum.⧛ Non appena è apparso Kyogre, nell'arena è cominciato a piovere a catinelle.
It's pouring rain in the Colosseum. de⧚It's pouring rain in the Colosseum.⧛ La lluvia arrecia en el Coliseo. fr⧚It's pouring rain in the Colosseum.⧛ Nell'arena cade una pioggia torrenziale.
The appearance of Groudon has caused the sun's rays to intensify. de⧚The appearance of Groudon has caused the sun's rays to intensify.⧛ Traz la aparición de Groudon, el sol pica fuerte. fr⧚The appearance of Groudon has caused the sun's rays to intensify.⧛ Non appena è apparso Groudon, i raggi del sole si sono intensificati.
The sun's rays have suddenly intensified. de⧚The sun's rays have suddenly intensified.⧛ El sol se ha vuelto abrasador. fr⧚The sun's rays have suddenly intensified.⧛ I raggi del sole si sono intensificati all'improvviso.
intimidates its opponent de⧚intimidates its opponent⧛ intimida su oponente. fr⧚intimidates its opponent⧛ intimidisce il suo avversario
recovered from its status problem de⧚recovered from its status problem⧛ se ha recobrado de sus problemas de estado. fr⧚recovered from its status problem⧛ è guarito dai problemi di stato
It recovered from its status problem. de⧚It recovered from its status problem.⧛ es⧚It recovered from its status problem.⧛ fr⧚It recovered from its status problem.⧛ it⧚It recovered from its status problem.⧛
woke up de⧚woke up⧛ se ha despertado. fr⧚woke up⧛ si è svegliato
It woke up. de⧚It woke up.⧛ El Pokémon se ha despertado. fr⧚It woke up.⧛ Si è svegliato.
recovered from poison de⧚recovered from poison⧛ es⧚recovered from poison⧛ fr⧚recovered from poison⧛ it⧚recovered from poison⧛
It's no longer poisoned. de⧚It's no longer poisoned.⧛ es⧚It's no longer poisoned.⧛ fr⧚It's no longer poisoned.⧛ it⧚It's no longer poisoned.⧛
restored its health de⧚restored its health⧛ ha recuperado su salud. fr⧚restored its health⧛ è di nuovo in forma
It has restored its health. de⧚It has restored its health.⧛ es⧚It has restored its health.⧛ fr⧚It has restored its health.⧛ it⧚It has restored its health.⧛
restored some health de⧚restored some health⧛ es⧚restored some health⧛ fr⧚restored some health⧛ it⧚restored some health⧛
It restored some health. de⧚It restored some health.⧛ es⧚It restored some health.⧛ fr⧚It restored some health.⧛ it⧚It restored some health.⧛
recovered from its burn de⧚recovered from its burn⧛ es⧚recovered from its burn⧛ fr⧚recovered from its burn⧛ it⧚recovered from its burn⧛
Its burn was healed. de⧚Its burn was healed.⧛ es⧚Its burn was healed.⧛ fr⧚Its burn was healed.⧛ it⧚Its burn was healed.⧛
thawed out de⧚thawed out⧛ ya no está congelado. fr⧚thawed out⧛ si è scongelato
It thawed out. de⧚It thawed out.⧛ es⧚It thawed out.⧛ fr⧚It thawed out.⧛ it⧚It thawed out.⧛
Castform transformed. de⧚Castform transformed.⧛ Castform se ha transformado. fr⧚Castform transformed.⧛ Castform si è trasformato.
Regigigas just can't get going because of its Slow Start. de⧚Regigigas just can't get going because of its Slow Start.⧛ Regigigas no reacciona debido a su Incinio Lento. fr⧚Regigigas just can't get going because of its Slow Start.⧛ Regigias ha avuto un inizio lento e non riesce a prendere il ritmo.
It started to hail in the Colosseum. de⧚It started to hail in the Colosseum.⧛ Ha empezado de granizar en el Coliseo. fr⧚It started to hail in the Colosseum.⧛ Nell'arena ha cominciato a grandinare.
A sandstorm is brewing in the Colosseum. de⧚A sandstorm is brewing in the Colosseum.⧛ Se está formando una tormenta de arena en el Coliseo. fr⧚A sandstorm is brewing in the Colosseum.⧛ Sta per abbattersi una Terrempesta sull'arena.
comes out as well de⧚comes out as well⧛ también abandona a la arena. fr⧚comes out as well⧛ scende in campo
The battle has ended. de⧚The battle has ended.⧛ El combate ha terminado. fr⧚The battle has ended.⧛ L'incontro è finito.
The game is now over. de⧚The game is now over.⧛ El combate se ha acabado. fr⧚The game is now over.⧛ L'incontro è terminato.
Game, set, and match. de⧚Game, set, and match.⧛ Fin del asalto y del combate. fr⧚Game, set, and match.⧛ Siamo giunti alla fine.
The results are in. de⧚The results are in.⧛ Ya tenemos los resultados. fr⧚The results are in.⧛ I giochi sono fatti.
The Blue Corner just barely lost. de⧚The Blue Corner just barely lost.⧛ La esquina azul perdió por muy poco. fr⧚The Blue Corner just barely lost.⧛ Il team blu ha perso per un pelo.
The Blue Corner lost. de⧚The Blue Corner lost.⧛ La esquina azul ha perdido. fr⧚The Blue Corner lost.⧛ Il team blu è stato sconfitto.
narrowly escaped defeat de⧚narrowly escaped defeat⧛ se ha librado por muy poco. fr⧚narrowly escaped defeat⧛ ha sfiorato la sconfitta
pulled off an impressive victory de⧚pulled off an impressive victory⧛ ha estado impresionante. fr⧚pulled off an impressive victory⧛ ha conseguito una vittoria strepitosa
The Blue Corner has won the game. de⧚The Blue Corner has won the game.⧛ La esquina azul gana en esta ocasión. fr⧚The Blue Corner has won the game.⧛ Il team blu ha vinto la sfida.
The Red Corner has won the game. de⧚The Red Corner has won the game.⧛ La esquina roja gana en esta ocasión. fr⧚The Red Corner has won the game.⧛ Il team rosso ha vinto la sfida.
It's an absolute victory for the Blue Corner. de⧚It's an absolute victory for the Blue Corner.⧛ La esquina azul se alza con la victoria. fr⧚It's an absolute victory for the Blue Corner.⧛ È un vero trionfo per il team blu.
It's an absolute victory for the Red Corner. de⧚It's an absolute victory for the Red Corner.⧛ La esquina roja se alza con la victoria. fr⧚It's an absolute victory for the Red Corner.⧛ È un vero trionfo per il team rosso.
It's a total victory for the Blue Corner. de⧚It's a total victory for the Blue Corner.⧛ Victoria aplastante de la esquina azul. fr⧚It's a total victory for the Blue Corner.⧛ È una vittoria netta per il team blu.
It's a total victory for the Red Corner. de⧚It's a total victory for the Red Corner.⧛ Victoria aplastante de la esquina roja. fr⧚It's a total victory for the Red Corner.⧛ È una vittoria netta per il team rosso.
has decided to give up de⧚has decided to give up⧛ ha decidido rendirse. fr⧚has decided to give up⧛ si è arreso
Both corners gave up. It's a draw. de⧚Both corners gave up. It's a draw.⧛ Ambas esquinas abandonan, así que tenemos un empate. fr⧚Both corners gave up. It's a draw.⧛ Entrambi i team si sono arresi. La sfida finisce in parità.
The result is a draw. de⧚The result is a draw.⧛ Nos encontramos entre un empate. fr⧚The result is a draw.⧛ È un pareggio.
The Blue Corner lost an important first fight. de⧚The Blue Corner lost an important first fight.⧛ La esquina azul ha perdido el primer combate. fr⧚The Blue Corner lost an important first fight.⧛ Il team blu ha perso la prima importantissima lotta.
The Blue Corner is suffering consecutive defeats. de⧚The Blue Corner is suffering consecutive defeats.⧛ La esquina azul sigue perdiendo. fr⧚The Blue Corner is suffering consecutive defeats.⧛ Il team blu incassa una sconfitta dietro l'altra.
The Blue Corner really needed that win. de⧚The Blue Corner really needed that win.⧛ La esquina azul necesitaba esa victoria. fr⧚The Blue Corner really needed that win.⧛ Avrebbe avuto un gran bisogno di quella vittoria il team blu.
That's the third consecutive defeat for the Blue Corner. de⧚That's the third consecutive defeat for the Blue Corner.⧛ Y esta es la tercera derrota consecutiva para la esquina azul. fr⧚That's the third consecutive defeat for the Blue Corner.⧛ Questa è la terza sconfitta consecutiva per il team blu.
The Blue Corner hasn't even heard the word “victory” yet. de⧚The Blue Corner hasn't even heard the word “victory” yet.⧛ La esquina azul no levanta cabeza. fr⧚The Blue Corner hasn't even heard the word “victory” yet.⧛ Il team blu non ha ancora sentito il dolce suono della parola “vittoria”.
The Blue Corner has lost their advantage and it's now even. de⧚The Blue Corner has lost their advantage and it's now even.⧛ La esquina azul ha perdido su ventaja. Tiene el mismo número de victorias y derrotas. fr⧚The Blue Corner has lost their advantage and it's now even.⧛ Ora il team blu non può più essere tanto sicuro di sé.
The Blue Corner just keeps on losing. With another defeat, it'll be hard to achieve a league victory. de⧚The Blue Corner just keeps on losing. With another defeat, it'll be hard to achieve a league victory.⧛ La esquina azul vuelve a perder. Si no remonta en la próxima, difícilmente ganará la liguilla. fr⧚The Blue Corner just keeps on losing. With another defeat, it'll be hard to achieve a league victory.⧛ Il team blu continua a perdere. Un'altra sconfitta e sarà difficile vincere la Lotta Sfida.
The Blue Corner continues to suffer more defeats. de⧚The Blue Corner continues to suffer more defeats.⧛ La esquina azul sigue su caída en picado. fr⧚The Blue Corner continues to suffer more defeats.⧛ Il team blu continua ad incassare delle sconfitte.
The Blue Corner has just taken the very first loss. de⧚The Blue Corner has just taken the very first loss.⧛ Esta es la primera derrota para la esquina azul. fr⧚The Blue Corner has just taken the very first loss.⧛ Il team blu ha appena subito la prima sconfitta.
The Blue Corner just got their first victory. de⧚The Blue Corner just got their first victory.⧛ La esquina azul acaba de conseguir su primera victoria. fr⧚The Blue Corner just got their first victory.⧛ Il team blu ha appena ottenuto la prima vittoria.
The Blue Corner now has consecutive victories. de⧚The Blue Corner now has consecutive victories.⧛ La esquina azul sigue en racha. fr⧚The Blue Corner now has consecutive victories.⧛ Il team blu ha conseguito due vittorie consecutive.
The Blue Corner now has three consecutive victories. de⧚The Blue Corner now has three consecutive victories.⧛ La esquina azul ha conseguido tres victorias consecutivas. fr⧚The Blue Corner now has three consecutive victories.⧛ Il team blu ha conseguito tre vittorie consecutive.
The Blue Corner keeps on winning without any problem. de⧚The Blue Corner keeps on winning without any problem.⧛ La esquina azul sigue avanzando. fr⧚The Blue Corner keeps on winning without any problem.⧛ Il team blu sigla una vittoria.
Another amazing victory for the Blue Corner. This is their fourth consecutive win. de⧚Another amazing victory for the Blue Corner. This is their fourth consecutive win.⧛ Otra impresionante victoria para la esquina azul. Esta es la cuarta consecutiva. fr⧚Another amazing victory for the Blue Corner. This is their fourth consecutive win.⧛ Un'altra eccezionale vittoria per il team blu. Questa è la quarta vittoria consecutiva.
The Blue Corner was able to even up the score. de⧚The Blue Corner was able to even up the score.⧛ La esquina azul ha logrado equilibrar su resultado. fr⧚The Blue Corner was able to even up the score.⧛ Ora il numero di vittorie e di sconfitte è lo stesso per il team blu.
The Blue Corner is now leading by one win. de⧚The Blue Corner is now leading by one win.⧛ La esquina azul lleva más victorias que derrotas por el momento. fr⧚The Blue Corner is now leading by one win.⧛ Una vittoria in più per il team blu.
It's another scoring win for the Blue Corner. de⧚It's another scoring win for the Blue Corner.⧛ Una victoria más para la esquina azul. fr⧚It's another scoring win for the Blue Corner.⧛ Un altro punto per il team blu.
Finally, a scoring win for the Blue Corner. de⧚Finally, a scoring win for the Blue Corner.⧛ Por fin, una victoria para la esquina azul. fr⧚Finally, a scoring win for the Blue Corner.⧛ Finalmente una vittoria per il team blu.
This next fight has become very important for the Blue Corner. de⧚This next fight has become very important for the Blue Corner.⧛ El próximo combate es clave para la esquina azul. fr⧚This next fight has become very important for the Blue Corner.⧛ La prossima lotta è molto importante per il team blu.
The Blue Corner desperately needs a win. Even just one. de⧚The Blue Corner desperately needs a win. Even just one.⧛ La esquina azul necesita desesperadamente una victoria para sumar puntas a su marcador. fr⧚The Blue Corner desperately needs a win. Even just one.⧛ Il team blu ha disperatamente bisogno di una vittoria. Almeno una.
It's been nothing but draws so far for the Blue Corner. de⧚It's been nothing but draws so far for the Blue Corner.⧛ Hasta el momento, empates es lo único que ha visto la esquina azul. fr⧚It's been nothing but draws so far for the Blue Corner.⧛ Il team blu non ha conseguito altro che pareggi fino ad ora.
It's still neck and neck for the Blue Corner. de⧚It's still neck and neck for the Blue Corner.⧛ La balanza no parece inclinarse ni a un lado ni a otro. fr⧚It's still neck and neck for the Blue Corner.⧛ Il team blu non fa progressi.
The Blue Corner has more wins than losses. de⧚The Blue Corner has more wins than losses.⧛ La esquina azul tiene más ganado que perdido. fr⧚The Blue Corner has more wins than losses.⧛ Il team blu ha più vittorie che sconfitte.
The Blue Corner has more losses than wins. de⧚The Blue Corner has more losses than wins.⧛ La esquina azul tiene más perdido que ganado. fr⧚The Blue Corner has more losses than wins.⧛ Il team blu ha più sconfitte che vittorie.
The Challenger has 10 consecutive wins in the Survival Battle. de⧚The Challenger has 10 consecutive wins in the Survival Battle.⧛ El aspirante ha conseguido diez victorias consecutivas en el Desafío Supervivencia. fr⧚The Challenger has 10 consecutive wins in the Survival Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha ottenuto 10 vittorie consecutive nella Lotta Resistenza.
The Challenger has 50 consecutive wins in the Survival Battle. de⧚The Challenger has 50 consecutive wins in the Survival Battle.⧛ El aspirante ha ganado cincuenta veces consecutivas en el Desafío Supervivencia. fr⧚The Challenger has 50 consecutive wins in the Survival Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha ottenuto 50 vittorie consecutive nella Lotta Resistenza.
The Challenger has finally achieved 100 consecutive wins in the Survival Battle. de⧚The Challenger has finally achieved 100 consecutive wins in the Survival Battle.⧛ es⧚The Challenger has finally achieved 100 consecutive wins in the Survival Battle.⧛ fr⧚The Challenger has finally achieved 100 consecutive wins in the Survival Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha ottenuto finalmente 100 vittorie consecutive nella Lotta Resistenza.
The Challenger has broken their own record. de⧚The Challenger has broken their own record.⧛ El aspirante ha superado su propio récord. fr⧚The Challenger has broken their own record.⧛ Lo sfidante ha battuto il suo record.
After a heated battle, the first to win the Magma Colosseum League Battle is the Blue Corner. de⧚After a heated battle, the first to win the Magma Colosseum League Battle is the Blue Corner.⧛ Después de un acalerado combate, la esquina azul logra una gran victoria en el Desafío Liguilla en el Coliseo Magma. fr⧚After a heated battle, the first to win the Magma Colosseum League Battle is the Blue Corner.⧛ Dopo una lotta infuocata, il team blu si aggiudica la prima vittoria nella Lotta Sfida dell'Arena Vulcano.
The Blue Corner is the first to win the Magma Colosseum League Battle but they barely pulled it off. de⧚The Blue Corner is the first to win the Magma Colosseum League Battle but they barely pulled it off.⧛ es⧚The Blue Corner is the first to win the Magma Colosseum League Battle but they barely pulled it off.⧛ fr⧚The Blue Corner is the first to win the Magma Colosseum League Battle but they barely pulled it off.⧛ it⧚The Blue Corner is the first to win the Magma Colosseum League Battle but they barely pulled it off.⧛
The Blue Corner put up a good fight but fell short of becoming the League Champion. de⧚The Blue Corner put up a good fight but fell short of becoming the League Champion.⧛ es⧚The Blue Corner put up a good fight but fell short of becoming the League Champion.⧛ fr⧚The Blue Corner put up a good fight but fell short of becoming the League Champion.⧛ it⧚The Blue Corner put up a good fight but fell short of becoming the League Champion.⧛
The Blue Corner wasn't able to get a League Championship. de⧚The Blue Corner wasn't able to get a League Championship.⧛ La esquina azul no ha podido con el desafío. fr⧚The Blue Corner wasn't able to get a League Championship.⧛ Il team blu non è riuscito ad aggiudicarsi il titolo di campione nella Lotta Sfida.
The Challenger won the Rental Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the Rental Battle.⧛ El aspirante superó con éxito el Desafío Préstamo. fr⧚The Challenger won the Rental Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto la Lotta Noleggio.
The Challenger won the Trade Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the Trade Battle.⧛ El aspirante superó con éxito el Desafío Intercambio. fr⧚The Challenger won the Trade Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto la Lotta Baratto.
The Challenger won the Fortune Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the Fortune Battle.⧛ El aspirante superó con éxito el Desafío Aleatorio. fr⧚The Challenger won the Fortune Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto la Lotta a Sorte.
The Challenger triumphed over the Tournament Battle. de⧚The Challenger triumphed over the Tournament Battle.⧛ El equipo aspirante fue el ganador del Desafío Torneo. fr⧚The Challenger triumphed over the Tournament Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha trionfato nella Lotta Torneo.
The Challenger won the Knockout Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the Knockout Battle.⧛ El equipo aspirante ha superado el Desafío K.O. fr⧚The Challenger won the Knockout Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto la Lotta KO.
The Challenger won the Little Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the Little Battle.⧛ El equipo aspirante ha superado el Desafío Menor. fr⧚The Challenger won the Little Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto la Lotta Mini.
The Challenger won the Select Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the Select Battle.⧛ El aspirante superó con éxito el Desafío Seleccion. fr⧚The Challenger won the Select Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto la Lotta a Scelta.
won the Tournament. de⧚won the Tournament.⧛ es⧚won the Tournament.⧛ fr⧚won the Tournament.⧛ it⧚won the Tournament.⧛
The Challenger won the League Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the League Battle.⧛ El equipo aspirante ha superado el Desafío Liguilla. fr⧚The Challenger won the League Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto la Lotta Sfida.
The Challenger won the Tournament Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the Tournament Battle.⧛ El equipo aspirante ha superado el Desafío Torneo. fr⧚The Challenger won the Tournament Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto la Lotta Torneo.
The Blue Corner came through victorious after an intense battle. Let's hear it for the new champion of the Pokétopia Championship. de⧚The Blue Corner came through victorious after an intense battle. Let's hear it for the new champion of the Pokétopia Championship.⧛ es⧚The Blue Corner came through victorious after an intense battle. Let's hear it for the new champion of the Pokétopia Championship.⧛ fr⧚The Blue Corner came through victorious after an intense battle. Let's hear it for the new champion of the Pokétopia Championship.⧛ Dopo un'entusiasmante lotta, il team blu è riuscito a ottenere la vittoria. Un bell'applauso per il team vincitore del campionato di Pokétopia.
The Challenger won the first set of the Masters Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the first set of the Masters Battle.⧛ El equipo aspirante ganó la primera vuelta del Desafío de Maestros. fr⧚The Challenger won the first set of the Masters Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto il primo set della Lotta Master.
The Challenger won the second set of the Masters Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the second set of the Masters Battle.⧛ El equipo aspirante ganó la segunda vuelta del Desafío de Maestros. fr⧚The Challenger won the second set of the Masters Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto il secondo set della Lotta Master.
The Challenger won the third set of the Masters Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the third set of the Masters Battle.⧛ El equipo aspirante ganó la tercera vuelta del Desafío de Maestros. fr⧚The Challenger won the third set of the Masters Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto il terzo set della Lotta Master.
The Challenger won the fourth set of the Masters Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the fourth set of the Masters Battle.⧛ El equipo aspirante ganó la cuarta vuelta del Desafío de Maestros. fr⧚The Challenger won the fourth set of the Masters Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto il quarto set della Lotta Master.
The Challenger won the fifth set of the Masters Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the fifth set of the Masters Battle.⧛ El equipo aspirante ganó la quinta vuelta del Desafío de Maestros. fr⧚The Challenger won the fifth set of the Masters Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto il quinto set della Lotta Master.
The Challenger won the sixth set of the Masters Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the sixth set of the Masters Battle.⧛ El equipo aspirante ganó la sexta vuelta del Desafío de Maestros. fr⧚The Challenger won the sixth set of the Masters Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto il sesto set della Lotta Master.
The Challenger won the seventh set of the Masters Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the seventh set of the Masters Battle.⧛ El equipo aspirante ganó la séptima vuelta del Desafío de Maestros. fr⧚The Challenger won the seventh set of the Masters Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto il settimo set della Lotta Master.
The Challenger won the final set of the Masters Battle. de⧚The Challenger won the final set of the Masters Battle.⧛ El equipo aspirante ganó la última vuelta del Desafío de Maestros. fr⧚The Challenger won the final set of the Masters Battle.⧛ Lo sfidante ha vinto l'ultimo set della Lotta Master.
The Challenger was beaten all too soon. de⧚The Challenger was beaten all too soon.⧛ El equipo aspirante ha abandonado la arena realmente pronto. fr⧚The Challenger was beaten all too soon.⧛ Lo sfidante è stato sconfitto troppo presto.
The Challenger just couldn't beat the Colosseum Master. What a crushing defeat. de⧚The Challenger just couldn't beat the Colosseum Master. What a crushing defeat.⧛ es⧚The Challenger just couldn't beat the Colosseum Master. What a crushing defeat.⧛ fr⧚The Challenger just couldn't beat the Colosseum Master. What a crushing defeat.⧛ Lo sfidante non è riuscito a battere il master arena. Che sconfitta devastante!
The Pokétopia Master was too strong an opponent. de⧚The Pokétopia Master was too strong an opponent.⧛ Por lo que parece, el Maestro de Pokétopia no tiene rival. fr⧚The Pokétopia Master was too strong an opponent.⧛ Il master di Pokétopia è un avversario troppo forte.
The Challenger was defeated. What a shame. Victory was so close. de⧚The Challenger was defeated. What a shame. Victory was so close.⧛ El eqipo aspirante ha sido derrotado. Se ha quedado con la miel en los labios. fr⧚The Challenger was defeated. What a shame. Victory was so close.⧛ Lo sfidante è stato sconfitto a un passo dalla vittoria.
The Challenger has lost. de⧚The Challenger has lost.⧛ El equipo aspirante ha perdido. fr⧚The Challenger has lost.⧛ Lo sfidante ha perso.
The Challenger was finally drained of their energy and defeated. However, they were able to set a new and unprecedented record. de⧚The Challenger was finally drained of their energy and defeated. However, they were able to set a new and unprecedented record.⧛ El equipo se ha quedado sin fuerzas, aunque ha puesto el listón muy alto con este récord sin precedentes. fr⧚The Challenger was finally drained of their energy and defeated. However, they were able to set a new and unprecedented record.⧛ Il team sfidante ha esaurito l'energia ed è stato sconfitto. Ma ha ottenuto un record senza precedenti.
The Challenger was finally drained of their energy and defeated. However, they were able to set a new record. de⧚The Challenger was finally drained of their energy and defeated. However, they were able to set a new record.⧛ Al equipo aspirante se lo acabó la cuerda, aunque ahora puede presumir de un nuevo récord. fr⧚The Challenger was finally drained of their energy and defeated. However, they were able to set a new record.⧛ Il team sfidante ha esaurito l'energia ed è stato sconfitto. Ma è riuscito a stabilire nuovo record.
The Challenger put a good fight but was beaten in the end. de⧚The Challenger put a good fight but was beaten in the end.⧛ El equipo aspirante ha plantado cara, pero ha sido derrotado. fr⧚The Challenger put a good fight but was beaten in the end.⧛ Lo sfidante ha lottato bene, ma alla fine è stato sconfitto.
The Challenger was defeated. de⧚The Challenger was defeated.⧛ El equipo aspirante ha sido derrotado. fr⧚The Challenger was defeated.⧛ Lo sfidante è stato sconfitto.
The Challenger couldn't take it and was beaten down. de⧚The Challenger couldn't take it and was beaten down.⧛ El equipo aspirante no ha logrado resistir y ha caído frente a su contrincante. fr⧚The Challenger couldn't take it and was beaten down.⧛ Lo sfidante non ce l'ha fatta ed è stato sconfitto.
Although it was a close game, the Challenger just fell short. de⧚Although it was a close game, the Challenger just fell short.⧛ El combate estuvo realmente igualado, pero la victoria no fue para el equipo espirante. fr⧚Although it was a close game, the Challenger just fell short.⧛ È stata una lotta serrata, ma lo sfidante non ce l'ha fatta.
Based on the Tournament's rules, this draw will be decided by a rematch. de⧚Based on the Tournament's rules, this draw will be decided by a rematch.⧛ Como dictan las reglas del torneo, ambas esquinas volverán a combatir para decidir este empate. fr⧚Based on the Tournament's rules, this draw will be decided by a rematch.⧛ Le regole del torneo dicono che il risultato verrà deciso da un'altra sfida.
A brilliant attack right from the start. de⧚A brilliant attack right from the start.⧛ Un ataque brillante nada más en pasar. fr⧚A brilliant attack right from the start.⧛ Un attacco eccezionale fin dall'inizio.
Ohh (Ugh)! de⧚Ohh (Ugh)!⧛ ¡Ah! fr⧚Ohh (Ugh)!⧛ Wow!
Ahh! de⧚Ahh!⧛ ¡Uy! fr⧚Ahh!⧛ Wow! Rispetto a Pokémon così grandi quest'arena sembra piccolissima.
Bam! de⧚Bam!⧛ Menudo golpe. fr⧚Bam!⧛ Che colpo!
Bam. de⧚Bam.⧛ Menudo golpe. fr⧚Bam.⧛ Che colpo!
Big hit. de⧚Big hit.⧛ Vaya paliza. fr⧚Big hit.⧛ Che sventola!
Slammed 'em. de⧚Slammed 'em.⧛ Vaya paliza. fr⧚Slammed 'em.⧛ Che sventola!
Crushing blow. de⧚Crushing blow.⧛ Lo ha machacado. fr⧚Crushing blow.⧛ Un colpo poderoso.
It's down already. de⧚It's down already.⧛ Ha caído nada más en pasar. fr⧚It's down already.⧛ È già KO.
Taken out already. de⧚Taken out already.⧛ Noqueado en un pis-pas. fr⧚Taken out already.⧛ È già fuori gioco.
It couldn't take it. It's down. de⧚It couldn't take it. It's down.⧛ No ha podido resistirlo. Se ha debilitado. fr⧚It couldn't take it. It's down.⧛ È stato un colpo decisivo. È esausto.
A huge amount of damage. It's down. de⧚A huge amount of damage. It's down.⧛ No ha podido encajar el daño sufrido. fr⧚A huge amount of damage. It's down.⧛ Subisce un danno enorme. È esausto.
Taken down by an intense blow. de⧚Taken down by an intense blow.⧛ Ha caído traz recibir un fortísimo impacto. fr⧚Taken down by an intense blow.⧛ Un potentissimo colpo lo manda KO.
Taken down by an intense attack. de⧚Taken down by an intense attack.⧛ No puede mantenerse en pie traz este coloso ataque. fr⧚Taken down by an intense attack.⧛ Un attacco energico lo manda KO.
It couldn't survive the second hit and goes down. de⧚It couldn't survive the second hit and goes down.⧛ No ha aguantado el segundo golpe y se retira a su Poké Ball. fr⧚It couldn't survive the second hit and goes down.⧛ Non ce l'ha fatta a resistere al secondo colpo ed è andato KO.
It's down and out. de⧚It's down and out.⧛ No ha podido encajarlo. fr⧚It's down and out.⧛ È esausto e deve abbandonare il campo.
It went down. de⧚It went down.⧛ Ha podido con él. fr⧚It went down.⧛ È andato KO.
It is down. de⧚It is down.⧛ Le ha hecho morder el polvo. fr⧚It is down.⧛ È KO.
lost both of their Pokémon de⧚lost both of their Pokémon⧛ ha perdido a sus dos Pokémon. fr⧚lost both of their Pokémon⧛ ha perso già entrambi i Pokémon
But the attacker is down as well. de⧚But the attacker is down as well.⧛ Aunque también ha caído su agresor. fr⧚But the attacker is down as well.⧛ Ma anche chi ha attaccato va KO.
But its teammate was caught up in it too. de⧚But its teammate was caught up in it too.⧛ Aunque su compañero también se ha visto afectado. fr⧚But its teammate was caught up in it too.⧛ Ma anche il suo compagno di squadra viene coinvolto.
Oh, the attacker has lost all of its health. de⧚Oh, the attacker has lost all of its health.⧛ El Pokémon que ha realizado el ataque se ha debilitado. fr⧚Oh, the attacker has lost all of its health.⧛ Oh no! Il Pokémon che ha attaccato ha perso tutta l'energia.
But the opponent is down too. de⧚But the opponent is down too.⧛ Aunque su adversario también ha caído. fr⧚But the opponent is down too.⧛ Ma anche l'avversario è fuori gioco.
And the opponent goes down too. de⧚And the opponent goes down too.⧛ Y su rival corre la misma suerte. fr⧚And the opponent goes down too.⧛ E anche l'avversario è fuori gioco.
Oh, the attacker is taken down with Destiny Bond. de⧚Oh, the attacker is taken down with Destiny Bond.⧛ Mismo Destino ha arrastrado al Pokémon que realizó el ataque. fr⧚Oh, the attacker is taken down with Destiny Bond.⧛ Oh, il Pokémon che ha lanciato l'attacco va KO per effetto di Destinobbligato.
Oh, the attacker is caught in the Aftermath. de⧚Oh, the attacker is caught in the Aftermath.⧛ El Pokémon que realizó el ataque ha sufrido daños por Resquicio. fr⧚Oh, the attacker is caught in the Aftermath.⧛ Oh, il Pokémon che ha attaccato viene coinvolto nello Scoppio.
It was an amazing attack, sacrificing itself like that, but it was the only one who went down. de⧚It was an amazing attack, sacrificing itself like that, but it was the only one who went down.⧛ Un ataque espactular aunque al final se ha sacricificado a sí mismo para nada. fr⧚It was an amazing attack, sacrificing itself like that, but it was the only one who went down.⧛ Un attacco eccezionale, veramente, si è sacrificato, ma è l'unico a essere andato KO.
Its teammate was the only one to go down from the attack. de⧚Its teammate was the only one to go down from the attack.⧛ Parece que sólo su compañero ha caído traz el ataque. fr⧚Its teammate was the only one to go down from the attack.⧛ Il compagno di squadra è stato l'unico ad andare KO in seguito all'attacco.
What's that about? The battle's just started and a Pokémon is being beaten up by its own teammate? de⧚What's that about? The battle's just started and a Pokémon is being beaten up by its own teammate?⧛ Increíble. Uno de los Pokémon cae por la paliza recibida a manos de su propio compañero, y nada más en pasar. fr⧚What's that about? The battle's just started and a Pokémon is being beaten up by its own teammate?⧛ Ehi! Ma che succede? La lotta è appena cominciata e un Pokémon viene colpito dal compagno di squadra?
loses a Pokémon to an attack from its own teammate. What's going on here? de⧚loses a Pokémon to an attack from its own teammate. What's going on here?⧛ pierde un Pokémon por la actuación de su compañero. fr⧚loses a Pokémon to an attack from its own teammate. What's going on here?⧛ perde un Pokémon in seguito ad un attacco del suo compagno di squadra. Ma che sta succedendo qui?
The Blue Corner loses a Pokémon to an attack from its own teammate. What's going on here? de⧚The Blue Corner loses a Pokémon to an attack from its own teammate. What's going on here?⧛ La esquina azul pierde un Pokémon por la actuación de su compañero. fr⧚The Blue Corner loses a Pokémon to an attack from its own teammate. What's going on here?⧛ Il team blu perde un Pokémon in seguito ad un attacco del suo compagno di squadra. Ma che sta succedendo qui?
Unbelievable. The Pokémon that just used the move went down. de⧚Unbelievable. The Pokémon that just used the move went down.⧛ Increíble. Ha caído a causa de su propio ataque. fr⧚Unbelievable. The Pokémon that just used the move went down.⧛ Incredibile. Il Pokémon che ha usato la mossa è esausto.
Such irony. Its own teammate was the only one to go down. de⧚Such irony. Its own teammate was the only one to go down.⧛ Irónico, ¿no?, que su compañero de equipo sea el único que ha caído. fr⧚Such irony. Its own teammate was the only one to go down.⧛ Ironia della sorte. Il suo compagno di squadra è stato l'unico ad andare KO.
Ouch. That was rather self-destructive. de⧚Ouch. That was rather self-destructive.⧛ ¡Uy, uy, uy! Una acción algo autodestructiva. fr⧚Ouch. That was rather self-destructive.⧛ Ahia! Questo si chiama autolesionismo.
went down but it left a parting gift. de⧚went down but it left a parting gift.⧛ ha caído pero dejó un regalo. fr⧚went down but it left a parting gift.⧛ È andato KO, ma ha lasciato un Memento.
taken down by Healing Wish de⧚taken down by Healing Wish⧛ Ha caído por los efectos de Deseo Cura. fr⧚taken down by Healing Wish⧛ Curardore lo manda KO
taken down by Lunar Dance de⧚taken down by Lunar Dance⧛ Ha caído por los efectos de Danza Lunar. fr⧚taken down by Lunar Dance⧛ Lunardanza lo manda KO
is suffering massive damage de⧚is suffering massive damage⧛ no las tiene todas consigo. fr⧚is suffering massive damage⧛ sta subendo danni consistenti
That just goes to show ya. You never know what will happen at a Pokémon battle. de⧚That just goes to show ya. You never know what will happen at a Pokémon battle.⧛ Como el público puede comprobar, los combates Pokémon están llenos de sorpresas. fr⧚That just goes to show ya. You never know what will happen at a Pokémon battle.⧛ A dimostrazione del fatto che in una lotta di Pokémon può proprio accadere di tutto.
I'll bet the trainer wasn't expecting that. de⧚I'll bet the trainer wasn't expecting that.⧛ Eso sí que no se lo esperaba nadie. fr⧚I'll bet the trainer wasn't expecting that.⧛ L'allenatore di sicuro non si aspettava una cosa del genere.
Its final wish has been passed to the next Pokémon. de⧚Its final wish has been passed to the next Pokémon.⧛ Su último deseo ha pasado al siguiente Pokémon. fr⧚Its final wish has been passed to the next Pokémon.⧛ Il suo ultimo desidero va in aiuto del Pokémon che lo sostituisce.
The count of Perish Song reached zero. de⧚The count of Perish Song reached zero.⧛ La cuenta atrás de Canto Mortal ha terminado. fr⧚The count of Perish Song reached zero.⧛ Il conto alla rovescia di Ultimocanto ha raggiunto lo zero.
Oh. It just couldn't take the damage from the Sandstorm. de⧚Oh. It just couldn't take the damage from the Sandstorm.⧛ Qué lástima. No ha podido soportar los daños de la tormenta de arena. fr⧚Oh. It just couldn't take the damage from the Sandstorm.⧛ Oh, non riesce proprio a resistere ai danni causati da Terrempesta.
taken out by the avalanche of falling hail de⧚taken out by the avalanche of falling hail⧛ Una lluvia de granizo le ha dejado K.O. fr⧚taken out by the avalanche of falling hail⧛ va KO a causa della grandine
Its dry skin couldn't withstand the strong sunlight. Now, it's all dried out. de⧚Its dry skin couldn't withstand the strong sunlight. Now, it's all dried out.⧛ es⧚Its dry skin couldn't withstand the strong sunlight. Now, it's all dried out.⧛ fr⧚Its dry skin couldn't withstand the strong sunlight. Now, it's all dried out.⧛ Non riesce a resistere alla luce solare a causa della sua pelle arsa. È praticamente disidratato.
Solar Power worked against it? It's gotta be because of the strong sunlight. de⧚Solar Power worked against it? It's gotta be because of the strong sunlight.⧛ Poder Solar se ha vuelto en su contra. ¿Será a causa de este sol abrasador? fr⧚Solar Power worked against it? It's gotta be because of the strong sunlight.⧛ Solarpotere è stato utile? Deve essere per via del calore del sole.
The damage from poison finished it. de⧚The damage from poison finished it.⧛ El veneno ha acabado con él. fr⧚The damage from poison finished it.⧛ Il veleno gli ha inferto il colpo decisivo.
It's down to damage from poison. de⧚It's down to damage from poison.⧛ Ha caído por los efectos del veneno. fr⧚It's down to damage from poison.⧛ Va KO a causa del danno causato dal veleno.
It's all burned up now. The damage from its burn was just too much. de⧚It's all burned up now. The damage from its burn was just too much.⧛ Se ha abrasado. No ha podido soportar el daño de las quemaduras. fr⧚It's all burned up now. The damage from its burn was just too much.⧛ È completamente bruciato ora. Non ha resistito ai danni causati dalla scottatura.
It's down due to damage from its burn. de⧚It's down due to damage from its burn.⧛ Los quemaduras lo han debilitado por completo. fr⧚It's down due to damage from its burn.⧛ Va KO a causa dei danni causati dalla scottatura.
Oh no. It went down before it could wake from its nightmare. de⧚Oh no. It went down before it could wake from its nightmare.⧛ Qué pena. No ha logrado despertarse de su pesadilla y ha caído. fr⧚Oh no. It went down before it could wake from its nightmare.⧛ Oh no! È andato KO ancor prima di risvegliarsi dall'incubo.
Oh no. It couldn't escape the curse. de⧚Oh no. It couldn't escape the curse.⧛ No ha podido escapar de la maldición. fr⧚Oh no. It couldn't escape the curse.⧛ Oh no! Non è riuscito a sottrarsi alla maledizione.
The suffering caused by its Bad Dream was too much. It's down. de⧚The suffering caused by its Bad Dream was too much. It's down.⧛ Mal Sueño ha sido demasiado para este Pokémon que abandona la arena. fr⧚The suffering caused by its Bad Dream was too much. It's down.⧛ I Sogniamari hanno provocato una sofferenza tale da mandarlo KO.
It's down. It couldn't get out of the bind. de⧚It's down. It couldn't get out of the bind.⧛ No ha logrado escaparse de su atadura, y ha caído. fr⧚It's down. It couldn't get out of the bind.⧛ È esausto. Non è riuscito a sottrarsi a Legatutto.
Wrapped up and taken down. de⧚Wrapped up and taken down.⧛ La opresión de Repetición le ha hecho caer. fr⧚Wrapped up and taken down.⧛ KO per effetto di Avvolgibotta.
It's down. Burned by the Fire Spin. de⧚It's down. Burned by the Fire Spin.⧛ Las quemaduras de Giro Fuego han acabado con él. fr⧚It's down. Burned by the Fire Spin.⧛ È esausto. Non è riuscito a liberarsi da Turbofuoco.
It burned up in the Fire Spin. de⧚It burned up in the Fire Spin.⧛ es⧚It burned up in the Fire Spin.⧛ fr⧚It burned up in the Fire Spin.⧛ it⧚It burned up in the Fire Spin.⧛
Clamped up and taken down. de⧚Clamped up and taken down.⧛ Ha caído trasera tenazado. fr⧚Clamped up and taken down.⧛ È intrappolato dalla Tenaglia a va KO.
Whirlpool takes it for a spin. de⧚Whirlpool takes it for a spin.⧛ Queda atrapado en el torbellino. fr⧚Whirlpool takes it for a spin.⧛ È intrappolato in un Mulinello.
It's getting buried in a Sand Tomb. de⧚It's getting buried in a Sand Tomb.⧛ El Bucle Arena lo está enterrando. fr⧚It's getting buried in a Sand Tomb.⧛ È intrappolato in una Sabbiotomba.
Magma Storm brings it down. de⧚Magma Storm brings it down.⧛ Lluvia Ígnea acaba con él. fr⧚Magma Storm brings it down.⧛ Va KO a causa di un Magmaclisma.
It was sapped by Leech Seed and taken down. de⧚It was sapped by Leech Seed and taken down.⧛ Drenadoras agotó su salud. fr⧚It was sapped by Leech Seed and taken down.⧛ Parassiseme sottrae energia al Pokémon e lo manda KO.
It's down. Future Sight arrives after everyone had forgotten. de⧚It's down. Future Sight arrives after everyone had forgotten.⧛ Ha caído. Premonición le alcanzó cuando ya nadie se lo esperaba. fr⧚It's down. Future Sight arrives after everyone had forgotten.⧛ È esausto. Divinazione colpisce quando ormai nessuno se l'aspettava più.
The Doom Desire has been granted. It's down. de⧚The Doom Desire has been granted. It's down.⧛ Deseo Oculto se ha cumplido. El Pokémon se ha debilitado. fr⧚The Doom Desire has been granted. It's down.⧛ L'Obbliderio è stato esaudito. È esausto.
had its wish come true and recovered health de⧚had its wish come true and recovered health⧛ recobró la salud. Su deseo se ha cumplido. fr⧚had its wish come true and recovered health⧛ riesce a far avverare il suo desiderio, si riprende
suffers from poison de⧚suffers from poison⧛ se ha envenenado. fr⧚suffers from poison⧛ soffre a causa del veleno
The damage caused by poison is slowly increasing. de⧚The damage caused by poison is slowly increasing.⧛ Cada vez sufre más daños por envenenamiento. fr⧚The damage caused by poison is slowly increasing.⧛ Il veleno provoca un danno sempre maggiore.
suffers from its burn de⧚suffers from its burn⧛ se resiente de las quemaduras. fr⧚suffers from its burn⧛ soffre a causa della scottatura
Hail is pounding away at the Pokémon's health. de⧚Hail is pounding away at the Pokémon's health.⧛ El granizo está minando la salud del Pokémon. fr⧚Hail is pounding away at the Pokémon's health.⧛ La grandine infierisce sulla salute del Pokémon.
The Pokémon is getting shredded by the sandstorm. de⧚The Pokémon is getting shredded by the sandstorm.⧛ El Pokémon está atrapado en la tormenta de arena. fr⧚The Pokémon is getting shredded by the sandstorm.⧛ La Terrempesta danneggia il Pokémon.
has its health sapped by Leech Seed de⧚has its health sapped by Leech Seed⧛ pierde salud debido a las Drenadoras. fr⧚has its health sapped by Leech Seed⧛ perde energia a causa di Parassiseme
got so tired that it's now confused de⧚got so tired that it's now confused⧛ se encuentra confuso por el cansansio. fr⧚got so tired that it's now confused⧛ è talmente stanco da essere confuso
seems to be falling asleep de⧚seems to be falling asleep⧛ parece estar a punto de dormirse. fr⧚seems to be falling asleep⧛ sta per addormentarsi
dozes off de⧚dozes off⧛ se ha quedado dormido. fr⧚dozes off⧛ si addormenta
recovered from its status problem with the help from an item de⧚recovered from its status problem with the help from an item⧛ se ha curado de su problema de estado con la ayuda de un objeto. fr⧚recovered from its status problem with the help from an item⧛ è guarito dai problemi di stato grazie allo strumento
Attacked by Future Sight. Didn't see that coming. de⧚Attacked by Future Sight. Didn't see that coming.⧛ Ha sido alcanzado por el ataque Premonición. Eso sí que no se lo ha visto venir. fr⧚Attacked by Future Sight. Didn't see that coming.⧛ È attaccato da Divinazione. Un colpo a sorpresa.
The count of Perish Song falls by one. de⧚The count of Perish Song falls by one.⧛ La cuenta atrás de Canto Mortal avanza. fr⧚The count of Perish Song falls by one.⧛ Ecco il primo rintocco di Ultimocanto.
The countdown of the Perish Song has begun. de⧚The countdown of the Perish Song has begun.⧛ La cuenta atrás de Canto Mortal ha comenzado. fr⧚The countdown of the Perish Song has begun.⧛ È cominciato il conto alla rovescia di Ultimocanto.
The count of Perish Song falls one more. de⧚The count of Perish Song falls one more.⧛ La cuenta atrás de Canto Mortal sigue inexorable. fr⧚The count of Perish Song falls one more.⧛ Il conto alla rovescia di Ultimocanto continua.
restored its health again de⧚restored its health again⧛ ha vuelto a recobrar su salud. fr⧚restored its health again⧛ si è ripreso ancora
restored its health and feels the relief de⧚restored its health and feels the relief⧛ se siente más aliviado traz recuperar su salud. fr⧚restored its health and feels the relief⧛ si è ripreso ed è più sollevato ora
restored its health de⧚restored its health⧛ ha recobrado su salud. fr⧚restored its health⧛ si è ripreso
is losing its health de⧚is losing its health⧛ está perdiendo salud. fr⧚is losing its health⧛ sta perdendo energia
is slowly losing its health de⧚is slowly losing its health⧛ está perdiendo la salud poco a poco. fr⧚is slowly losing its health⧛ sta perdendo lentamente energia
It's speeding up. de⧚It's speeding up.⧛ Se está acelerando. fr⧚It's speeding up.⧛ Sta diventando più veloce.
But no one was affected. de⧚But no one was affected.⧛ es⧚But no one was affected.⧛ fr⧚But no one was affected.⧛ it⧚But no one was affected.⧛
This is getting dangerous. de⧚This is getting dangerous.⧛ Eso no pinta nada bien. fr⧚This is getting dangerous.⧛ La situazione si fa pericolosa.
It's not gonna be able to withstand much more. de⧚It's not gonna be able to withstand much more.⧛ No aguantará mucho más. fr⧚It's not gonna be able to withstand much more.⧛ Non può resistere ancora a lungo.
Here we go. The Battle is about to begin. de⧚Here we go. The Battle is about to begin.⧛ Damas y caballeros, el combate está a punto de comenzar. fr⧚Here we go. The Battle is about to begin.⧛ Bene. La lotta sta per iniziare.
It's gonna be interesting to see how this turns out. de⧚It's gonna be interesting to see how this turns out.⧛ Será muy emocionante ver como se desarrolla el combate. fr⧚It's gonna be interesting to see how this turns out.⧛ Chissà come andrà a finire.
It's all eyes on the Challengers. de⧚It's all eyes on the Challengers.⧛ El público no quita ojo a los contendientes. fr⧚It's all eyes on the Challengers.⧛ Tutti gli occhi sono puntati sugli allenatori sfidanti.
Surrounded by cascading water, the Battle is about to begin. de⧚Surrounded by cascading water, the Battle is about to begin.⧛ El combate está a punto de comenzar en este paraje idílico. fr⧚Surrounded by cascading water, the Battle is about to begin.⧛ La lotta sta per iniziare in mezzo a queste cascate spettacolari.
The sound of falling water echos in the air. de⧚The sound of falling water echos in the air.⧛ El sonido del agua a caer resueña en el aire. fr⧚The sound of falling water echos in the air.⧛ Il fragore delle cascate riecheggia nell'aria.
This elegant and colorful Colosseum is filled with excitement. de⧚This elegant and colorful Colosseum is filled with excitement.⧛ es⧚This elegant and colorful Colosseum is filled with excitement.⧛ fr⧚This elegant and colorful Colosseum is filled with excitement.⧛ Questa magnifica e coloratissima arena è in fermento.
The air is starting to feel tense in this underground cave. de⧚The air is starting to feel tense in this underground cave.⧛ es⧚The air is starting to feel tense in this underground cave.⧛ fr⧚The air is starting to feel tense in this underground cave.⧛ Si comincia a sentire la tensione in questa grotta sotterranea.
A battle is about to unfold at this popular picnic place. de⧚A battle is about to unfold at this popular picnic place.⧛ Este parque será, ¡oye!, el escenario de una emocionante lucha. fr⧚A battle is about to unfold at this popular picnic place.⧛ Stiamo per dare il via alla lotta in questo splendido parco.
Surrounded by magma, a superheated battle is about to begin. de⧚Surrounded by magma, a superheated battle is about to begin.⧛ La lava que rodea la arena de combate parece caldear aún más el ambiente. fr⧚Surrounded by magma, a superheated battle is about to begin.⧛ Siamo circondati dal magma. Ci aspetta di sicuro una lotta incandescente.
As the sun sets on the horizon, a battle is about to begin. de⧚As the sun sets on the horizon, a battle is about to begin.⧛ La puesta de sol señala el inicio del combate. fr⧚As the sun sets on the horizon, a battle is about to begin.⧛ Nella luce del tramonto prepariamoci ad assistere a una lotta spettacolare.
The courtyard of this peaceful castle is about to become an all-out battlefield. de⧚The courtyard of this peaceful castle is about to become an all-out battlefield.⧛ En el patio de este imponente castillo, se vivirá una batalla campal. fr⧚The courtyard of this peaceful castle is about to become an all-out battlefield.⧛ Il cortile di questo pacifico castello sarà il palcoscenico di una lotta travolgente.
Only the best Pokémon trainers can participate in this grand and decisive battle. de⧚Only the best Pokémon trainers can participate in this grand and decisive battle.⧛ Sólo los mejores entrenadores Pokémon pueden participar en este gran desafío. fr⧚Only the best Pokémon trainers can participate in this grand and decisive battle.⧛ È una lotta dura e decisiva. Solo i migliori allenatori possono partecipare.
The battle of the century quietly begins. de⧚The battle of the century quietly begins.⧛ Todo está preparado para el combate del siglo. fr⧚The battle of the century quietly begins.⧛ La lotta del secolo sta per cominciare.
Can the Challenger win once more? de⧚Can the Challenger win once more?⧛ ¿Logrará el equipo aspirante superarse a sí mismo? fr⧚Can the Challenger win once more?⧛ Riuscirà a vincere lo sfidante?
What kind of battle can we expect from the Challenger this time? de⧚What kind of battle can we expect from the Challenger this time?⧛ ¿Con qué nos sorprenderá el equipo aspirante en esta ocasión? fr⧚What kind of battle can we expect from the Challenger this time?⧛ Che tipo di lotta dobbiamo aspettarci questa volta dal nostro sfidante?
A returning Challenger? What kind of battle can we expect from them this time? de⧚A returning Challenger? What kind of battle can we expect from them this time?⧛ es⧚A returning Challenger? What kind of battle can we expect from them this time?⧛ fr⧚A returning Challenger? What kind of battle can we expect from them this time?⧛ it⧚A returning Challenger? What kind of battle can we expect from them this time?⧛
This battle is all about vengeance for the Challenger. de⧚This battle is all about vengeance for the Challenger.⧛ El aspirante piensa tomarse la revancha. fr⧚This battle is all about vengeance for the Challenger.⧛ Questa lotta è una rivincita per il nostro sfidante.
A returning Challenger? What kind of battle can we expect from them this time? de⧚A returning Challenger? What kind of battle can we expect from them this time?⧛ El asipirante vuelva a la carga. ¿Cuál será su estrategia esta vez? fr⧚A returning Challenger? What kind of battle can we expect from them this time?⧛ Una faccia nota. Che tipo di lotta dobbiamo aspettarci questa volta?
What kind of battle strategy will the Challenger have this time? de⧚What kind of battle strategy will the Challenger have this time?⧛ ¿Qué táctica seguirá el aspirante en esta ocasión? fr⧚What kind of battle strategy will the Challenger have this time?⧛ Quale sarà la strategia dello sfidante questa volta?
Can the Challenger tear down the wall in front of them? de⧚Can the Challenger tear down the wall in front of them?⧛ ¿Podrá el equipo aspirante superar los obstáculos que le esperan? fr⧚Can the Challenger tear down the wall in front of them?⧛ Riuscirà il nostro sfidante a spuntarla contro gli avversari?
Despite their previous failure, the Challenger has returned. de⧚Despite their previous failure, the Challenger has returned.⧛ es⧚Despite their previous failure, the Challenger has returned.⧛ fr⧚Despite their previous failure, the Challenger has returned.⧛ it⧚Despite their previous failure, the Challenger has returned.⧛
has already secured victory but let's hope they still bring their best game de⧚has already secured victory but let's hope they still bring their best game⧛ tiene asegurada la victoria, pero esperamos que nos obsequie igualmente con una actuación estelar. fr⧚has already secured victory but let's hope they still bring their best game⧛ ha già la vittoria in pugno, ma ci auguriamo che continui a dare il meglio di sé
needs to win this battle to secure victory de⧚needs to win this battle to secure victory⧛ necesita ganar este combate para segurarse la victoria. fr⧚needs to win this battle to secure victory⧛ deve vincere questa lotta se vuole assicurarsi la vittoria
still has a chance to win this de⧚still has a chance to win this⧛ aún tiene posibilidades de alzarse con la victoria. fr⧚still has a chance to win this⧛ può ancora vincere
must be tired but let's hope there's still some fight left de⧚must be tired but let's hope there's still some fight left⧛ debe notar el cansancio, aún así esperamos verla pelear con uñas y dientes. fr⧚must be tired but let's hope there's still some fight left⧛ è allo stremo delle forze, ma speriamo che tiri ancora fuori la sua grinta
It's time to think about a cautious battle strategy. de⧚It's time to think about a cautious battle strategy.⧛ Tendrán que plantearse cuidadosamente su estrategia. fr⧚It's time to think about a cautious battle strategy.⧛ È necessaria una strategia di lotta all'insegna della prudenza.
Neither side can afford to give up in this battle. de⧚Neither side can afford to give up in this battle.⧛ No se pueden permitir ningún desliz. fr⧚Neither side can afford to give up in this battle.⧛ Nessuna delle due parti può permettersi di arrendersi ora.
has already taken some serious damage de⧚has already taken some serious damage⧛ ha salido muy perjudicada. fr⧚has already taken some serious damage⧛ ha già subito dei danni considerevoli
An intense battery but both corners are holding their ground. de⧚An intense battery but both corners are holding their ground.⧛ es⧚An intense battery but both corners are holding their ground.⧛ fr⧚An intense battery but both corners are holding their ground.⧛ È davvero una lotta infuocata, ma entrambi i team resistono.
has been taking serious damage right from the start de⧚has been taking serious damage right from the start⧛ ha sufrido muchos daños desde el principio. fr⧚has been taking serious damage right from the start⧛ ha subito danni considerevoli sin dall'inizio
A real battle royal. What a way to start this off. de⧚A real battle royal. What a way to start this off.⧛ Ha sido una lucha colosal. Menudo forma de empezar el combate. fr⧚A real battle royal. What a way to start this off.⧛ Una lotta veramente agguerrita. Che inizio splendido!
The battle opened with some intense fighting. de⧚The battle opened with some intense fighting.⧛ El combate ha empezado muy fuerte. fr⧚The battle opened with some intense fighting.⧛ È una lotta molto intensa sin dai primi colpi.
is already poisoned de⧚is already poisoned⧛ se debate ante los efectos del veneno. fr⧚is already poisoned⧛ è già avvelenato
already has a Pokémon sleeping de⧚already has a Pokémon sleeping⧛ se encuentra con que uno de sus Pokémon está dormido. fr⧚already has a Pokémon sleeping⧛ ha già un Pokémon addormentato
already has Pokémon sleeping de⧚already has Pokémon sleeping⧛ tiene algún que otro Pokémon dormido. fr⧚already has Pokémon sleeping⧛ ha già dei Pokémon addormentati
had their Pokémon frozen solid after the battle began de⧚had their Pokémon frozen solid after the battle began⧛ ve como sus Pokémon se han congelado nada más en pasar el combate. fr⧚had their Pokémon frozen solid after the battle began⧛ ha subito un congelamento subito dopo l'inizio della lotta
has already been burned and the battle is just beginning de⧚has already been burned and the battle is just beginning⧛ sufre quemaduras y el combate no ha hecho más que empezar. fr⧚has already been burned and the battle is just beginning⧛ ha subito una scottatura a lotta appena iniziata
Pokémon are already suffering from status problems, one after another, in this sudden and intense battle. de⧚Pokémon are already suffering from status problems, one after another, in this sudden and intense battle.⧛ Los problemas de estado de los Pokémon se suceden en esta lucha sin cuartel. fr⧚Pokémon are already suffering from status problems, one after another, in this sudden and intense battle.⧛ Uno dopo l'altro, i Pokémon hanno subito delle alterazioni di stato. Che lotta intensa ed imprevedibile!
The situation is a bit of a stalemate. de⧚The situation is a bit of a stalemate.⧛ El combate está en tablas. fr⧚The situation is a bit of a stalemate.⧛ Ci troviamo in una situazione di stallo.
Both are carefully examining their opponent. de⧚Both are carefully examining their opponent.⧛ Ambas esquinas estudian atentamente. fr⧚Both are carefully examining their opponent.⧛ Si studiano a vicenda.
Finally, things are starting to happen. de⧚Finally, things are starting to happen.⧛ Parece que por fin sucede algo. fr⧚Finally, things are starting to happen.⧛ Finalmente la situazione si sta sbloccando.
Finally, this battle is getting underway. de⧚Finally, this battle is getting underway.⧛ Parece que el combate por fin cobra brillos. fr⧚Finally, this battle is getting underway.⧛ Finalmente le cose si stanno smuovendo.
The situation has dramatically changed. de⧚The situation has dramatically changed.⧛ La situación ha cambiado drásticamente. fr⧚The situation has dramatically changed.⧛ La situazione è cambiata.
The battle has taken a drastic turn. de⧚The battle has taken a drastic turn.⧛ El combate ha dado un giro drástico. fr⧚The battle has taken a drastic turn.⧛ La lotta ha preso una svolta drastica.
That was an unexpected turn of events. de⧚That was an unexpected turn of events.⧛ Menudo cambio más inesperado. fr⧚That was an unexpected turn of events.⧛ La situazione è cambiata in modo del tutto inaspettato.
The battle's outcome is still up in the air. Who will reach for victory first? de⧚The battle's outcome is still up in the air. Who will reach for victory first?⧛ El resultado del combate aún está en el aire. ¿Quién inclinará la balanza a su favor? fr⧚The battle's outcome is still up in the air. Who will reach for victory first?⧛ Il risultato della lotta non è ancora prevedibile. Chi otterrà la tanto agognata vittoria?
Not much has happened. Who will change things up? de⧚Not much has happened. Who will change things up?⧛ La situación poco ha cambiado. ¿Quién hará algo respecto? fr⧚Not much has happened. Who will change things up?⧛ I giochi sono ancora aperti. Chi riuscirà a far girare la ruota della fortuna a proprio favore?
Both corners are carefully examining their opponent de⧚Both corners are carefully examining their opponent⧛ Ambas esquinas se analizan con detenimiento. fr⧚Both corners are carefully examining their opponent⧛ I team si stanno esaminando attentamente.
continues to do very well de⧚continues to do very well⧛ sigue maneobrando con acierto. fr⧚continues to do very well⧛ continua a comportarsi bene
It's a tough situation for the Blue Corner. de⧚It's a tough situation for the Blue Corner.⧛ La esquina azul se encuentra en una situación peliaguda. fr⧚It's a tough situation for the Blue Corner.⧛ Le cose si mettono male per il team blu.
It's a tough situation for the Red Corner. de⧚It's a tough situation for the Red Corner.⧛ La esquina roja se encuentra en una situación peliaguda. fr⧚It's a tough situation for the Red Corner.⧛ Le cose si mettono male per il team rosso.
currently leads de⧚currently leads⧛ tiene las riendas por ahora. fr⧚currently leads⧛ è in vantaggio al momento
faces a tough situation de⧚faces a tough situation⧛ se enfrenta un momento crítico. fr⧚faces a tough situation⧛ è in un vicolo cieco
has the lead when comparing the number of remaining Pokémon de⧚has the lead when comparing the number of remaining Pokémon⧛ disfruta de cierta ventaja ya que cuenta con más Pokémon. fr⧚has the lead when comparing the number of remaining Pokémon⧛ è in vantaggio numerico
trails slightly when comparing the number of remaining Pokémon de⧚trails slightly when comparing the number of remaining Pokémon⧛ baja lo por detrás si se tiene en cuenta el número de Pokémon restantes. fr⧚trails slightly when comparing the number of remaining Pokémon⧛ è in leggera inferiorità numerica
evened up the amount of remaining of Pokémon despite being at a disadvantage de⧚evened up the amount of remaining of Pokémon despite being at a disadvantage⧛ a pasar de su desvantaja, ha logrado igualar a la esquina roja el número de Pokémon. fr⧚evened up the amount of remaining of Pokémon despite being at a disadvantage⧛ è riuscito a colmare lo svantaggio numerico
In terms of the number of remaining Pokémon, it's an even 50-50. de⧚In terms of the number of remaining Pokémon, it's an even 50-50.⧛ Ambas esquinas resisten con el mismo número de Pokémon. fr⧚In terms of the number of remaining Pokémon, it's an even 50-50.⧛ I due team sono in parità numerica.
Neither Corner has made a decisive attack yet. de⧚Neither Corner has made a decisive attack yet.⧛ Ninguna de las esquinas consigue dar con la tecla. fr⧚Neither Corner has made a decisive attack yet.⧛ Nessuno dei due team è riuscito a sferrare un attacco decisivo per il momento.
The battle rages on. de⧚The battle rages on.⧛ La lucha se prolonga. fr⧚The battle rages on.⧛ La lotta è accesa.
Neither Corner has made a decisive attack yet. de⧚Neither Corner has made a decisive attack yet.⧛ Ninguna de las esquinas consigue dar con la tecla. fr⧚Neither Corner has made a decisive attack yet.⧛ Nessuno dei due team è riuscito a sferrare un attacco decisivo per il momento.
A brief lull at the Colosseum. de⧚A brief lull at the Colosseum.⧛ La calma se apodera del Coliseo. fr⧚A brief lull at the Colosseum.⧛ Un momento di stasi qui nell'arena.
stands with their backs against the wall de⧚stands with their backs against the wall⧛ se encuentra entre la espalda y la pared. fr⧚stands with their backs against the wall⧛ è con le spalle al muro
faces a dead end de⧚faces a dead end⧛ se encuentra en un callejón sin salida. fr⧚faces a dead end⧛ è in un vicolo cieco
mounts a good comeback at the last moment de⧚mounts a good comeback at the last moment⧛ remontó en el último momento. fr⧚mounts a good comeback at the last moment⧛ riesce a rimontare proprio all'ultimo momento
The last Pokémon from each team will take the field. de⧚The last Pokémon from each team will take the field.⧛ es⧚The last Pokémon from each team will take the field.⧛ fr⧚The last Pokémon from each team will take the field.⧛ Il campo è dominato dall'ultimo Pokémon di entrambi i team.
desperately holds on de⧚desperately holds on⧛ intenta mantenerse en pie desesperadamente. fr⧚desperately holds on⧛ fa di tutto per resistere
Are we going to see the end of this battle in the next turn? de⧚Are we going to see the end of this battle in the next turn?⧛ ¿Veremos el final del combate en la siguiente vuelta? fr⧚Are we going to see the end of this battle in the next turn?⧛ Assisteremo alla fine della lotta al prossimo turno?
It's been nothing but big trouble for the Red Corner. de⧚It's been nothing but big trouble for the Red Corner.⧛ La esquina roja lo está pasando mal. fr⧚It's been nothing but big trouble for the Red Corner.⧛ Il team rosso non ha avuto altro che difficoltà finora.
It's been nothing but big trouble for the Blue Corner. de⧚It's been nothing but big trouble for the Blue Corner.⧛ La esquina azul lo está pasando mal. fr⧚It's been nothing but big trouble for the Blue Corner.⧛ Il team blu non ha avuto altro che difficoltà finora.
faces a fatal situation de⧚faces a fatal situation⧛ se encuentra en las últimas. fr⧚faces a fatal situation⧛ si trova in una situazione cruciale
sleeps soundly de⧚sleeps soundly⧛ está profundamente dormido. fr⧚sleeps soundly⧛ dorme della grossa
seems to be in pain de⧚seems to be in pain⧛ parece estar sufriendo. fr⧚seems to be in pain⧛ sembra sofferente
still is frozen solid de⧚still is frozen solid⧛ sigue congelado. fr⧚still is frozen solid⧛ è ancora congelato
It's pouring rain in the Colosseum. de⧚It's pouring rain in the Colosseum.⧛ Está diluviando en el Coliseo. fr⧚It's pouring rain in the Colosseum.⧛ Piove a catinelle nell'arena.
A sandstorm is raging in the Colosseum. de⧚A sandstorm is raging in the Colosseum.⧛ Una tormenta de arena asola el Coliseo. fr⧚A sandstorm is raging in the Colosseum.⧛ Nell'arena imperversa una tempesta di sabbia.
The sunlight in the Colosseum is blinding. de⧚The sunlight in the Colosseum is blinding.⧛ Los rayos del sol son cegadores. fr⧚The sunlight in the Colosseum is blinding.⧛ La luce solare è accecante nell'arena.
It's really starting to hail in the Colosseum. de⧚It's really starting to hail in the Colosseum.⧛ Menuda lluvia de granizo está cayendo en el Coliseo. fr⧚It's really starting to hail in the Colosseum.⧛ Che grandine cade nell'arena!
The Colosseum is shrouded in a deep fog. de⧚The Colosseum is shrouded in a deep fog.⧛ El Coliseo está envuelto en una densa niebla. fr⧚The Colosseum is shrouded in a deep fog.⧛ L'arena è avvolta in una fitta nebbia.
It's raining in the Colosseum again. de⧚It's raining in the Colosseum again.⧛ Está empezando a llover de nuevo en el Coliseo. fr⧚It's raining in the Colosseum again.⧛ Piove ancora nell'arena.
A sandstorm is raging in the Colosseum again. de⧚A sandstorm is raging in the Colosseum again.⧛ es⧚A sandstorm is raging in the Colosseum again.⧛ fr⧚A sandstorm is raging in the Colosseum again.⧛ Nell'arena imperversa ancora una tempesta di sabbia.
The sun is scorching the Colosseum again. de⧚The sun is scorching the Colosseum again.⧛ El sol se vuelve abrasador de nuevo en el Coliseo. fr⧚The sun is scorching the Colosseum again.⧛ Il sole brucia ancora nell'arena.
It's hailing in the Colosseum again. de⧚It's hailing in the Colosseum again.⧛ Está granizando de nuevo en el Coliseo. fr⧚It's hailing in the Colosseum again.⧛ Sta grandinando ancora nell'arena.
The Colosseum is burning with excitement. de⧚The Colosseum is burning with excitement.⧛ La expectación es cada vez mayor. fr⧚The Colosseum is burning with excitement.⧛ L'atmosfera nell'arena è incandescente per l'entusiasmo.
The air in the Colosseum is tense and charged. de⧚The air in the Colosseum is tense and charged.⧛ La tensión se respira en el Coliseo. fr⧚The air in the Colosseum is tense and charged.⧛ L'atmosfera nell'arena è tesa e concitata.
The mood in the Colosseum has become somewhat unsettling. de⧚The mood in the Colosseum has become somewhat unsettling.⧛ Se percibe cierta inquietud en el Coliseo. fr⧚The mood in the Colosseum has become somewhat unsettling.⧛ L'aria si sta facendo sempre più pesante nell'arena.
A chilling breeze can be felt in the Colosseum. de⧚A chilling breeze can be felt in the Colosseum.⧛ Corre un aire gélido por el Coliseo. fr⧚A chilling breeze can be felt in the Colosseum.⧛ Nell'arena soffia un'aria gelida.
A rotten stench is filling the Colosseum. de⧚A rotten stench is filling the Colosseum.⧛ es⧚A rotten stench is filling the Colosseum.⧛ fr⧚A rotten stench is filling the Colosseum.⧛ it⧚A rotten stench is filling the Colosseum.⧛
A pleasant scent is drifting through the air in Colosseum. de⧚A pleasant scent is drifting through the air in Colosseum.⧛ El aire del Coliseo parece perfumado con un agradable olor. fr⧚A pleasant scent is drifting through the air in Colosseum.⧛ L'arena è pervasa da un delizioso profumo.
A pleasant tune is echoing through the Colosseum. I'm starting to feel sleepy. de⧚A pleasant tune is echoing through the Colosseum. I'm starting to feel sleepy.⧛ Una bonita melodía resuena en el Coliseo. Me están pasando entrar sueño. fr⧚A pleasant tune is echoing through the Colosseum. I'm starting to feel sleepy.⧛ Una musica gradevolissima riecheggia nell'arena. Che sonno!
Something strange. Distortion. What's this? The Colosseum. de⧚Something strange. Distortion. What's this? The Colosseum.⧛ Ocurre algo raro. Una especie de distorsión. ¿Qué está pasando en el Coliseo? fr⧚Something strange. Distortion. What's this? The Colosseum.⧛ Che strano… Le dimensioni… Che succede? L'arena...
The air in the Colosseum is getting heavy. de⧚The air in the Colosseum is getting heavy.⧛ El aire del Coliseo se está cargando. fr⧚The air in the Colosseum is getting heavy.⧛ L'aria si fa pesante nell'arena.
The battle has reached its final stage. de⧚The battle has reached its final stage.⧛ Ha llegado el momento clave. fr⧚The battle has reached its final stage.⧛ Lo lotta si sta avvicinando alla fine.
The battle has reached its final stage and the tension is peaking. de⧚The battle has reached its final stage and the tension is peaking.⧛ Ha llegado el momento clave. La tensión anda por las nubes. fr⧚The battle has reached its final stage and the tension is peaking.⧛ Lo lotta si sta avvicinando alla fine e l'atmosfera è sempre più tesa.
The end of the battle is getting closer by the minute. de⧚The end of the battle is getting closer by the minute.⧛ El final del combate se va acercando. fr⧚The end of the battle is getting closer by the minute.⧛ La fine della lotta è sempre più vicina.
Well, both corners still have a chance to win this. de⧚Well, both corners still have a chance to win this.⧛ Ambas esquinas siguen teniendo opciónes. fr⧚Well, both corners still have a chance to win this.⧛ Entrambi i contendi hanno ancora la possibilità di vincere.
The air in the Colosseum is tense. de⧚The air in the Colosseum is tense.⧛ El público está expectante. fr⧚The air in the Colosseum is tense.⧛ L'atmosfera è tensa nell'arena.
A heated battle is unfolding in the Colosseum. de⧚A heated battle is unfolding in the Colosseum.⧛ El Coliseo es escenario de una lucha encarnizada. fr⧚A heated battle is unfolding in the Colosseum.⧛ Stiamo assistendo a una lotta infuocata.
The trainers haven't given their orders yet. de⧚The trainers haven't given their orders yet.⧛ Ninguna esquina parece tomar la iniciativa. fr⧚The trainers haven't given their orders yet.⧛ Gli allenatori non hanno ancora impartito gli ordini.
still has not decided on their next move de⧚still has not decided on their next move⧛ aún no ha decidido cuál será su próximo movimiento. fr⧚still has not decided on their next move⧛ non ha ancora deciso quale sarà la prossima mossa
The Pokémon are awaiting their trainers' direction. de⧚The Pokémon are awaiting their trainers' direction.⧛ Los Pokémon están en la espera. Aún no han recibido sus órdenes. fr⧚The Pokémon are awaiting their trainers' direction.⧛ I Pokémon stanno aspettando indicazioni dai loro allenatori.
The crowd is holding their breath in anticipation of the trainers' next move. de⧚The crowd is holding their breath in anticipation of the trainers' next move.⧛ Los espectadores aguardan impacientes el próximo movimiento. fr⧚The crowd is holding their breath in anticipation of the trainers' next move.⧛ Il pubblico trattiene il fiato nell'attesa che l'allenatore decida quale mossa usare.
However, this battle is just getting started. de⧚However, this battle is just getting started.⧛ Aunque aún queda mucho combate por delante. fr⧚However, this battle is just getting started.⧛ Ma la lotta è appena iniziata.
But there is always a chance of a comeback. de⧚But there is always a chance of a comeback.⧛ Aunque todavía está a tiempo de recuperarse. fr⧚But there is always a chance of a comeback.⧛ Ma ha ancora la possibilità di recuperare.
Can they find a way out of this predicament? de⧚Can they find a way out of this predicament?⧛ ¿Conseguirá abrirse camino? fr⧚Can they find a way out of this predicament?⧛ Riuscirà a levarsi dall'impiccio?
seems to have the advantage right now de⧚seems to have the advantage right now⧛ parece tener ventaja por ahora. fr⧚seems to have the advantage right now⧛ pare essere in vantaggio al momento
That's gonna be trouble if this becomes a drawn-out battle. de⧚That's gonna be trouble if this becomes a drawn-out battle.⧛ Si el combate se prolonga, lo tendrá difícil. fr⧚That's gonna be trouble if this becomes a drawn-out battle.⧛ Se la lotta dovesse prolungarsi, potrebbe essere un grosso problema.
Everyone is concentrated on the trainers' next move. de⧚Everyone is concentrated on the trainers' next move.⧛ El público espera atento su próxima maniobra. fr⧚Everyone is concentrated on the trainers' next move.⧛ Tutti sono ansiosi di vedere quale mossa userà l'allenatore ora.
I wonder how this going to affect the battle. de⧚I wonder how this going to affect the battle.⧛ ¿Cómo afectará el combate? fr⧚I wonder how this going to affect the battle.⧛ Come si ripercuoterà tutto ciò sulla lotta?
If this continues, the result will be detrimental. de⧚If this continues, the result will be detrimental.⧛ De seguir así, podría encontrarse en una situación difícil. fr⧚If this continues, the result will be detrimental.⧛ Se continua così, sarà una catastrofe.
Everyone is concentrated on the trainers' next move. de⧚Everyone is concentrated on the trainers' next move.⧛ El público espera atento su próxima maniobra. fr⧚Everyone is concentrated on the trainers' next move.⧛ Tutti sono ansiosi di vedere quale mossa userà l'allenatore ora.
That's going to be trouble if this becomes a drawn-out battle. de⧚That's going to be trouble if this becomes a drawn-out battle.⧛ Si el combate se prolonga, lo tendrá difícil. fr⧚That's going to be trouble if this becomes a drawn-out battle.⧛ Se la lotta dovesse prolungarsi, potrebbe essere un grosso problema.
Everyone is concentrated on the trainers' next move. de⧚Everyone is concentrated on the trainers' next move.⧛ El público espera atento su próxima maniobra. fr⧚Everyone is concentrated on the trainers' next move.⧛ Tutti sono ansiosi di vedere quale mossa userà l'allenatore ora.
It's a mental tug-of-war as they anticipate each other's move. de⧚It's a mental tug-of-war as they anticipate each other's move.⧛ En este tira y afloja, ambas esquinas intentan anticiparse a su rival. fr⧚It's a mental tug-of-war as they anticipate each other's move.⧛ È una prova di concentrazione. Un continuo tentativo di prevedere le mosse dell'avversario.
Will there be any sort of decisive action from the Blue Corner? de⧚Will there be any sort of decisive action from the Blue Corner?⧛ ¿Responderá de forma concluyente la esquina azul? fr⧚Will there be any sort of decisive action from the Blue Corner?⧛ Riuscirà il team blu a fare una mossa decisiva?
Will there be any sort of decisive action from the Red Corner? de⧚Will there be any sort of decisive action from the Red Corner?⧛ ¿Responderá de forma concluyente la esquina roja? fr⧚Will there be any sort of decisive action from the Red Corner?⧛ Riuscirà il team rosso a fare una mossa decisiva?
needs to strike back de⧚needs to strike back⧛ tiene que reaccionar. fr⧚needs to strike back⧛ deve restituire il colpo
Is there going to be any decisive action from the Blue Corner? de⧚Is there going to be any decisive action from the Blue Corner?⧛ ¿Nos sorprenderá la esquina azul con alguna maniobra? fr⧚Is there going to be any decisive action from the Blue Corner?⧛ Riuscirà il team blu a fare una mossa decisiva?
Is there going to be any decisive action from the Red Corner? de⧚Is there going to be any decisive action from the Red Corner?⧛ ¿Nos sorprenderá la esquina roja con alguna maniobra? fr⧚Is there going to be any decisive action from the Red Corner?⧛ Riuscirà il team rosso a fare una mossa decisiva?
needs to strike back de⧚needs to strike back⧛ tiene que reaccionar. fr⧚needs to strike back⧛ deve restituire il colpo
The battle has taken a new turn. de⧚The battle has taken a new turn.⧛ El combate ha dado un giro de 360°. fr⧚The battle has taken a new turn.⧛ La lotta ha preso una svolta.
Can the advantage be maintained by the Blue Corner? de⧚Can the advantage be maintained by the Blue Corner?⧛ ¿Podrá la esquina azul mantener su ventaja? fr⧚Can the advantage be maintained by the Blue Corner?⧛ Riuscirà il team blu a mantenere il vantaggio?
Can the advantage be maintained by the Red Corner? de⧚Can the advantage be maintained by the Red Corner?⧛ ¿Podrá la esquina roja mantener su ventaja? fr⧚Can the advantage be maintained by the Red Corner?⧛ Riuscirà il team rosso a mantenere il vantaggio?
Is there going to be a comeback for the Blue Corner? de⧚Is there going to be a comeback for the Blue Corner?⧛ ¿Significa esto que al esquina azul vuelva entrar en escena? fr⧚Is there going to be a comeback for the Blue Corner?⧛ Riuscirà il team blu a tornare alla ribalta?
Is there going to be a comeback for the Red Corner? de⧚Is there going to be a comeback for the Red Corner?⧛ ¿Significa esto que al esquina roja vuelva entrar en escena? fr⧚Is there going to be a comeback for the Red Corner?⧛ Riuscirà il team rosso a tornare alla ribalta?
It's a tough world. de⧚It's a tough world.⧛ Un duro golpe. fr⧚It's a tough world.⧛ Non è facile.
But can they finish this off? de⧚But can they finish this off?⧛ Pero, ¿será capaz de terminar con esto de una vez? fr⧚But can they finish this off?⧛ Ma sarà in grado di vincere?
Is there a secret plan to turn the tables? de⧚Is there a secret plan to turn the tables?⧛ ¿Logrará girar las tornas con alguna nueva estrategia? fr⧚Is there a secret plan to turn the tables?⧛ Avrà un piano segreto per ribaltare la situazione?
Can they end this quickly? de⧚Can they end this quickly?⧛ ¿Logrará asestar el golpe definitivo? fr⧚Can they end this quickly?⧛ Riuscirà a terminare la lotta velocemente?
They're gonna need to find a way out of this. de⧚They're gonna need to find a way out of this.⧛ Tendrá que reaccionar rápido si quiere salir de esta. fr⧚They're gonna need to find a way out of this.⧛ Ma dovrà trovare per forza una via d'uscita.
But we still can't predict the outcome of the battle. de⧚But we still can't predict the outcome of the battle.⧛ Aunque aún es pronto para predecir el resultado. fr⧚But we still can't predict the outcome of the battle.⧛ Ma non è ancora possibile prevedere come andrà a finire.
But the battle has just begun. de⧚But the battle has just begun.⧛ Aunque aún queda mucho combate por delante. fr⧚But the battle has just begun.⧛ Ma la lotta è appena iniziata.
But we still can't predict the outcome of the battle. de⧚But we still can't predict the outcome of the battle.⧛ Aunque aún es pronto para predecir el resultado. fr⧚But we still can't predict the outcome of the battle.⧛ Ma non è ancora possibile prevedere come andrà a finire.
But the battle has just begun. de⧚But the battle has just begun.⧛ Aunque aún queda mucho combate por delante. fr⧚But the battle has just begun.⧛ Ma la lotta è appena iniziata.
Will this turn the tide of the battle? de⧚Will this turn the tide of the battle?⧛ ¿Será esto un punto de inflexión en el combate? fr⧚Will this turn the tide of the battle?⧛ Cambieranno le sorti della lotta?
Both sides still have a chance to win. de⧚Both sides still have a chance to win.⧛ Las posibilidades de victoria están muy igualadas. fr⧚Both sides still have a chance to win.⧛ Entrambi i contendi hanno ancora la possibilità di vincere.
Who will become the victor? de⧚Who will become the victor?⧛ ¿Quién se alzará con la victoria? fr⧚Who will become the victor?⧛ A chi andrà la vittoria?
Who will break this balance? de⧚Who will break this balance?⧛ ¿Quién inclinará la balanza a su favor? fr⧚Who will break this balance?⧛ Chi riuscirà a spezzare questo equilibrio?
Which corner will make the attack that could change the situation? de⧚Which corner will make the attack that could change the situation?⧛ ¿Cuál de ellas lanzará el ataque definitivo? fr⧚Which corner will make the attack that could change the situation?⧛ Quale dei due team lancerà l'attacco che cambierà le cose in modo definitivo?
Their concentration is certainly being tested. de⧚Their concentration is certainly being tested.⧛ La tenacidad de ambas esquinas se está poniendo a prueba. fr⧚Their concentration is certainly being tested.⧛ La concentrazione è al massimo.
Are they playing a waiting game? de⧚Are they playing a waiting game?⧛ ¿A qué esperan ambas esquinas? fr⧚Are they playing a waiting game?⧛ Che sia un gioco di nervi?
This standoff could end at any moment. de⧚This standoff could end at any moment.⧛ Aunque la tempestad puede desatarse en cualquier momento. fr⧚This standoff could end at any moment.⧛ La situazione potrebbe sbloccarsi da un momento all'altro.
will be lucky to get through this crisis de⧚will be lucky to get through this crisis⧛ tendrá suerte si logra salir de esta. fr⧚will be lucky to get through this crisis⧛ sarà fortunato se riuscirà ad uscire da questa situazione
The rest is up to the last Pokémon. de⧚The rest is up to the last Pokémon.⧛ Todo depende de la actuación de su último Pokémon. fr⧚The rest is up to the last Pokémon.⧛ È tutto nelle mani dell'ultimo Pokémon.
Are they gonna be able to hang in? de⧚Are they gonna be able to hang in?⧛ ¿Podrá aguantar el tipo? fr⧚Are they gonna be able to hang in?⧛ Riuscirà a cavarsela?
Can they withstand the next attack? de⧚Can they withstand the next attack?⧛ ¿Resistirá el próximo ataque? fr⧚Can they withstand the next attack?⧛ Riuscirà a resistere al prossimo attacco?
How far is this going to go? de⧚How far is this going to go?⧛ ¿Cómo terminirá esto? fr⧚How far is this going to go?⧛ Che cosa succederà ora?
The energy level of the fans in this Colosseum has been turned up to 11. de⧚The energy level of the fans in this Colosseum has been turned up to 11.⧛ Los espectadores del Coliseo no caben en sí de la emoción. fr⧚The energy level of the fans in this Colosseum has been turned up to 11.⧛ L'entusiasmo dei fan nell'arena è al massimo.
Both corners are in a tough spot. de⧚Both corners are in a tough spot.⧛ es⧚Both corners are in a tough spot.⧛ fr⧚Both corners are in a tough spot.⧛ Entrambi i team sono in una situazione difficile.
The trainers' strategies will determine the outcome. de⧚The trainers' strategies will determine the outcome.⧛ es⧚The trainers' strategies will determine the outcome.⧛ fr⧚The trainers' strategies will determine the outcome.⧛ La strategia adottata dagli allenatori determinerà il risultato.
Will the outcome be determined in the next turn? de⧚Will the outcome be determined in the next turn?⧛ ¿Veremos el desenlace del combate en la próxima vuelta? fr⧚Will the outcome be determined in the next turn?⧛ Avremo il risultato finale al prossimo turno?
Will the outcome be determined in the next turn? de⧚Will the outcome be determined in the next turn?⧛ ¿Veremos el desenlace del combate en la próxima vuelta? fr⧚Will the outcome be determined in the next turn?⧛ Avremo il risultato finale al prossimo turno?
When will it wake up? de⧚When will it wake up?⧛ ¿Cuándo se despertará? fr⧚When will it wake up?⧛ Si sveglierà prima o poi?
This could get dangerous if it lasts too long. de⧚This could get dangerous if it lasts too long.⧛ Las cosas podrían ponerse muy feas de seguir así. fr⧚This could get dangerous if it lasts too long.⧛ Se continua così, potrebbe diventare pericoloso.
It can't move. de⧚It can't move.⧛ No puede moverse. fr⧚It can't move.⧛ Non riesce a muoversi.
What kind of developments can we expect to see next? de⧚What kind of developments can we expect to see next?⧛ Veamos pues cómo de desarolla el combate. fr⧚What kind of developments can we expect to see next?⧛ Assisteremo a un colpo di scena?
Who's going to take the glory? de⧚Who's going to take the glory?⧛ ¿Quién se llevará la gloria? fr⧚Who's going to take the glory?⧛ Chi dei due riuscirà ad imporsi?
the Red Corner de⧚the Red Corner⧛ la esquina roja fr⧚the Red Corner⧛ il team rosso
the Red Corner de⧚the Red Corner⧛ la esquina roja fr⧚the Red Corner⧛ il team rosso
the Red Corner de⧚the Red Corner⧛ la esquina roja fr⧚the Red Corner⧛ il team rosso
the Red Corner de⧚the Red Corner⧛ la esquina roja fr⧚the Red Corner⧛ il team rosso
the Blue Corner de⧚the Blue Corner⧛ la esquina azul fr⧚the Blue Corner⧛ il team blu
the Blue Corner de⧚the Blue Corner⧛ la esquina azul fr⧚the Blue Corner⧛ il team blu
the Blue Corner de⧚the Blue Corner⧛ la esquina azul fr⧚the Blue Corner⧛ il team blu
the Blue Corner de⧚the Blue Corner⧛ la esquina azul fr⧚the Blue Corner⧛ il team blu
And now the battle begins. de⧚And now the battle begins.⧛ Y comienza el combate. fr⧚And now the battle begins.⧛ Comincia la lotta.
The stage is set and the curtain is up. de⧚The stage is set and the curtain is up.⧛ Todo está listo y preparado para la acción. fr⧚The stage is set and the curtain is up.⧛ Che lo show abbia inizio!
The battle begins. de⧚The battle begins.⧛ Y se abre el combate. fr⧚The battle begins.⧛ La lotta comincia.
the Blue Corner makes the first attack de⧚the Blue Corner makes the first attack⧛ La esquina azul es la primera en atacar. fr⧚the Blue Corner makes the first attack⧛ il team blu attacca per primo
the Red Corner makes the first attack de⧚the Red Corner makes the first attack⧛ La esquina roja es la primera en atacar. fr⧚the Red Corner makes the first attack⧛ il team rosso attacca per primo
It didn't do anything. de⧚It didn't do anything.⧛ No pasa nada de nada. fr⧚It didn't do anything.⧛ Ma non succede nulla.
But it missed. de⧚But it missed.⧛ Pero falla. fr⧚But it missed.⧛ Ma fallisce.
A big hit already. de⧚A big hit already.⧛ Un ataque genial nada mas en pasar. fr⧚A big hit already.⧛ Già un ottimo colpo.
A heavy blow. de⧚A heavy blow.⧛ Vaya mazazo. fr⧚A heavy blow.⧛ Un colpo possente.
Massive damage. de⧚Massive damage.⧛ Ha causado grandes daños. fr⧚Massive damage.⧛ Un danno consistente.
A brilliant hit. de⧚A brilliant hit.⧛ Un movimiento brillante. fr⧚A brilliant hit.⧛ Un gran colpo.
A smashing blow. de⧚A smashing blow.⧛ Un golpe espectacular. fr⧚A smashing blow.⧛ Un colpo eccellente.
A well-aimed attack. de⧚A well-aimed attack.⧛ Directo al blanco. fr⧚A well-aimed attack.⧛ Un colpo ben assestato.
A clean hit. de⧚A clean hit.⧛ Un golpe directo. fr⧚A clean hit.⧛ Un colpo preciso.
That hurt. de⧚That hurt.⧛ Eso ha tenido que doler. fr⧚That hurt.⧛ Che male!
A rigid shot. de⧚A rigid shot.⧛ Le ha impactado de lleno. fr⧚A rigid shot.⧛ Un colpo deciso.
It hits. de⧚It hits.⧛ Y da en el blanco. fr⧚It hits.⧛ È andato a segno.
A solid hit. de⧚A solid hit.⧛ Le ha acertado de lleno. fr⧚A solid hit.⧛ Un colpo energico.
A light hit. de⧚A light hit.⧛ Prácticamente ni lo siente. fr⧚A light hit.⧛ Un colpo lieve.
A small hit. de⧚A small hit.⧛ es⧚A small hit.⧛ fr⧚A small hit.⧛ Un colpo quasi impercettibile.
Consecutive hits. de⧚Consecutive hits.⧛ Asesta varios golpes consecutivos. fr⧚Consecutive hits.⧛ Più colpi consecutivi.
An explosion of skillful moves. de⧚An explosion of skillful moves.⧛ Menudo despliegue de fuerza. fr⧚An explosion of skillful moves.⧛ Un attacco esplosivo.
starts to attack de⧚starts to attack⧛ se lanza al ataque. fr⧚starts to attack⧛ si prepara all'attacco
makes its move de⧚makes its move⧛ inicia su ataque. fr⧚makes its move⧛ fa la sua mossa
uses its move de⧚uses its move⧛ realiza su movimiento. fr⧚uses its move⧛ usa la sua mossa
A fierce blow. de⧚A fierce blow.⧛ Un golpe imparable. fr⧚A fierce blow.⧛ Un colpo dirompente.
Nicely done. de⧚Nicely done.⧛ Excelente. fr⧚Nicely done.⧛ Ben fatto!
hangs by the end of their rope de⧚hangs by the end of their rope⧛ es⧚hangs by the end of their rope⧛ fr⧚hangs by the end of their rope⧛ it⧚hangs by the end of their rope⧛
The end is near. de⧚The end is near.⧛ es⧚The end is near.⧛ fr⧚The end is near.⧛ it⧚The end is near.⧛
faces the end de⧚faces the end⧛ es⧚faces the end⧛ fr⧚faces the end⧛ it⧚faces the end⧛
This is a fatal situation. de⧚This is a fatal situation.⧛ es⧚This is a fatal situation.⧛ fr⧚This is a fatal situation.⧛ it⧚This is a fatal situation.⧛
A gang attack. de⧚A gang attack.⧛ Menuda confabulación. fr⧚A gang attack.⧛ Un attacco di squadra.
It's being ganged up on. de⧚It's being ganged up on.⧛ Eso sí que es unir fuerzas. fr⧚It's being ganged up on.⧛ È stato proprio preso di mira.
A harsh battle is taking place. de⧚A harsh battle is taking place.⧛ Estamos presenciando una lucha encarnizada. fr⧚A harsh battle is taking place.⧛ Stiamo assistendo a una lotta molto dura.
An exhausting battle between both sides. de⧚An exhausting battle between both sides.⧛ Ambos eqipos están poniendo toda la carne en el asador. fr⧚An exhausting battle between both sides.⧛ È una lotta estenuante per entrambi gli schieramenti.
It's a close fight. de⧚It's a close fight.⧛ La lucha se intensifica. fr⧚It's a close fight.⧛ È una lotta serrata.
The battle is getting intense. de⧚The battle is getting intense.⧛ El combate se pone interesante. fr⧚The battle is getting intense.⧛ La lotta si fa sempre più travolgente.
A rally of light attacks. de⧚A rally of light attacks.⧛ Todo una serie de pequeños ataques. fr⧚A rally of light attacks.⧛ Una serie di attacchi lievi.
Multiple hits. It keeps dealing damage. de⧚Multiple hits. It keeps dealing damage.⧛ Recibe varios golpes y sufre repetidos daños. fr⧚Multiple hits. It keeps dealing damage.⧛ Un attacco multiplo. Continua a causare danni.
It hit two Pokémon at once. de⧚It hit two Pokémon at once.⧛ Alcanzó ambos Pokémon. fr⧚It hit two Pokémon at once.⧛ Colpisce due Pokémon contemporaneamente.
An intense attack. The teammate was also hit. de⧚An intense attack. The teammate was also hit.⧛ Un ataque demoledor, aunque también para su compañero. fr⧚An intense attack. The teammate was also hit.⧛ Che impeto! Anche il compagno di squadra è stato colpito.
An intense attack has launched with the helping hand of another Pokémon. de⧚An intense attack has launched with the helping hand of another Pokémon.⧛ El Pokémon ha provecho el refuerzo de compañero y lanza un potente ataque. fr⧚An intense attack has launched with the helping hand of another Pokémon.⧛ Viene sferrato un potente attacco grazie all'Altruismo di un altro Pokémon.
Oops. That attack was bounced right back. de⧚Oops. That attack was bounced right back.⧛ Sorprendentemente el ataque se ha vuelto en su contra. fr⧚Oops. That attack was bounced right back.⧛ Ops! L'attacco ritorna al mittente.
Uh-oh. The attack goes right back to the attacker. de⧚Uh-oh. The attack goes right back to the attacker.⧛ Pero, ¿qué ven mis ojos? Le ha salido el tiro por la culata. fr⧚Uh-oh. The attack goes right back to the attacker.⧛ Oh oh! L'attacco viene rispedito al mittente.
What an impressive attack. de⧚What an impressive attack.⧛ Un ataque realmente impresionante. fr⧚What an impressive attack.⧛ Che attacco incredibile!
A harsh blow. de⧚A harsh blow.⧛ Menudo embate. fr⧚A harsh blow.⧛ Un colpo vigoroso.
A perfect shot. de⧚A perfect shot.⧛ Un golpe certero. fr⧚A perfect shot.⧛ Un colpo perfetto.
An impressive move. de⧚An impressive move.⧛ Una manobra sensacional. fr⧚An impressive move.⧛ Incredibile!
deals out multiple hits de⧚deals out multiple hits⧛ asesta varios golpes seguidos. fr⧚deals out multiple hits⧛ sferra una serie di colpi
successfully hit multiple times de⧚successfully hit multiple times⧛ Ha vapuleado al blanco. fr⧚successfully hit multiple times⧛ viene colpito più volte
That's a hit this time. de⧚That's a hit this time.⧛ Esta vez, sí que ha dado en el blanco. fr⧚That's a hit this time.⧛ Questa volta va a segno.
This is the only thing it can do. de⧚This is the only thing it can do.⧛ Poco más podría hacer. fr⧚This is the only thing it can do.⧛ Non può fare altro.
A beautiful attack. de⧚A beautiful attack.⧛ Un ataque extraordinario. fr⧚A beautiful attack.⧛ Uno splendido attacco.
Wow. Not much happened this turn. de⧚Wow. Not much happened this turn.⧛ No se han producido muchos cambios en este salto. fr⧚Wow. Not much happened this turn.⧛ Oh, nulla di fatto in questo turno.
seems to be slacking off de⧚seems to be slacking off⧛ aminora el ritmo. fr⧚seems to be slacking off⧛ sembra allentare il ritmo
seems to be slacking off de⧚seems to be slacking off⧛ aminora el ritmo. fr⧚seems to be slacking off⧛ sembra allentare il ritmo
seems to be slacking off de⧚seems to be slacking off⧛ parece de caer. fr⧚seems to be slacking off⧛ sembra allentare il ritmo
frozen solid and unable to move de⧚frozen solid and unable to move⧛ se ha quedado congelada. fr⧚frozen solid and unable to move⧛ è congelato e non riesce più ad agire
frozen solid and unable to move de⧚frozen solid and unable to move⧛ se ha quedado congelada. fr⧚frozen solid and unable to move⧛ è congelato e non riesce più ad agire
frozen solid and unable to move de⧚frozen solid and unable to move⧛ se ha quedado congelado. fr⧚frozen solid and unable to move⧛ è congelato e non riesce più ad agire
The Pokémon in the Blue Corner is still sleeping. de⧚The Pokémon in the Blue Corner is still sleeping.⧛ El Pokémon de la esquina azul aún está dormido. fr⧚The Pokémon in the Blue Corner is still sleeping.⧛ Il Pokémon del team blu è ancora addormentato.
The Pokémon in the Red Corner is still sleeping. de⧚The Pokémon in the Red Corner is still sleeping.⧛ El Pokémon de la esquina roja aún está dormido. fr⧚The Pokémon in the Red Corner is still sleeping.⧛ Il Pokémon del team rosso è ancora addormentato.
won't wake up de⧚won't wake up⧛ no se despierta. fr⧚won't wake up⧛ proprio non si sveglia
won't wake up de⧚won't wake up⧛ no se despierta. fr⧚won't wake up⧛ proprio non si sveglia
can't move due to a previously used attack de⧚can't move due to a previously used attack⧛ ha quedado inmovilizada traz el ataque anterior. fr⧚can't move due to a previously used attack⧛ non riesce ad agire a causa di un attacco precedente
can't move due to a previously used attack de⧚can't move due to a previously used attack⧛ se ha quedado inmovilizado traz el ataque anterior. fr⧚can't move due to a previously used attack⧛ non riesce ad agire a causa di un attacco precedente
can't move due to a previously used attack de⧚can't move due to a previously used attack⧛ se ha quedado inmovilizado traz el ataque anterior. fr⧚can't move due to a previously used attack⧛ non riesce ad agire a causa di un attacco precedente
cannot move de⧚cannot move⧛ no puede moverse. fr⧚cannot move⧛ non riesce ad agire
cannot move de⧚cannot move⧛ no puede moverse. fr⧚cannot move⧛ non riesce ad agire
cannot move de⧚cannot move⧛ no puede moverse. fr⧚cannot move⧛ non riesce ad agire
has no Pokémon that can move de⧚has no Pokémon that can move⧛ no tiene ningún Pokémon que pueda moverse. fr⧚has no Pokémon that can move⧛ non ha Pokémon in grado di agire
still can't move de⧚still can't move⧛ sigue sin reaccionar. fr⧚still can't move⧛ non riesce ancora ad agire
still can't move de⧚still can't move⧛ sigue sin poder moverse. fr⧚still can't move⧛ non riesce ancora ad agire
Oh. Why would it attack its teammate? de⧚Oh. Why would it attack its teammate?⧛ ¿Por qué habrá atacado a su compañero? fr⧚Oh. Why would it attack its teammate?⧛ Oh, ma perché avrà attaccato il suo compagno?
It attacked itself again. That has got to hurt. de⧚It attacked itself again. That has got to hurt.⧛ Se ha vuelto a atacar a sí mismo. Eso ha tenido que dolerle. fr⧚It attacked itself again. That has got to hurt.⧛ Ha attaccato ancora se stesso. Che disdetta!
Oh no. It attacked itself. de⧚Oh no. It attacked itself.⧛ Se ha atacado a sí mismo. fr⧚Oh no. It attacked itself.⧛ Oh no! Attacca se stesso.
It missed the kick and hurt itself. de⧚It missed the kick and hurt itself.⧛ Ataque fallido. Sólo se ha herido a sí mismo. fr⧚It missed the kick and hurt itself.⧛ Sbaglia il colpo e danneggia se stesso.
restored its health de⧚restored its health⧛ ha recuperado su salud. fr⧚restored its health⧛ è di nuovo in forma
restored its health and feels the relief de⧚restored its health and feels the relief⧛ Se siente más aliviado traz recuperar su salud. fr⧚restored its health and feels the relief⧛ s'è ripreso ed è più sollevato ora
keeps gaining stats de⧚keeps gaining stats⧛ sigue mejorando sus carecterísticas. fr⧚keeps gaining stats⧛ ha statistiche in continuo aumento
keeps gaining stats de⧚keeps gaining stats⧛ sigue mejorando sus carecterísticas. fr⧚keeps gaining stats⧛ ha statistiche in continuo aumento
The Blue Corner attacks. de⧚The Blue Corner attacks.⧛ La esquina azul se lanza al ataque. fr⧚The Blue Corner attacks.⧛ Il team blu si lancia all'attacco.
The Red Corner attacks. de⧚The Red Corner attacks.⧛ La esquina roja se lanza al ataque. fr⧚The Red Corner attacks.⧛ Il team rosso si lancia all'attacco.
protects against the attack de⧚protects against the attack⧛ se había protegido. fr⧚protects against the attack⧛ si protegge dall'attacco
protected itself from the attack de⧚protected itself from the attack⧛ se había protegido. fr⧚protected itself from the attack⧛ si protegge dall'attacco
evades the attack de⧚evades the attack⧛ esquiva el ataque. fr⧚evades the attack⧛ elude l'attacco
evades the attack de⧚evades the attack⧛ esquiva el ataque. fr⧚evades the attack⧛ elude l'attacco
still can't pull off a move de⧚still can't pull off a move⧛ no consigue materializar ningún ataque. fr⧚still can't pull off a move⧛ non riesce ancora a fare la sua mossa
still can't pull off a move de⧚still can't pull off a move⧛ no consigue materializar su ataque. fr⧚still can't pull off a move⧛ non riesce ancora a fare la sua mossa
Both corners' moves fail. de⧚Both corners' moves fail.⧛ Ninguna esquina logra acertar. fr⧚Both corners' moves fail.⧛ Le mosse di entrambi i team falliscono.
The move fails. de⧚The move fails.⧛ El movimiento resulta inútil. fr⧚The move fails.⧛ La mossa fallisce.
Its attack missed. de⧚Its attack missed.⧛ Ataque fallido. fr⧚Its attack missed.⧛ L'attacco non va a segno.
That was a failure. de⧚That was a failure.⧛ es⧚That was a failure.⧛ fr⧚That was a failure.⧛ it⧚That was a failure.⧛
The move can't hit the opponent. de⧚The move can't hit the opponent.⧛ No consigue dar en el blanco. fr⧚The move can't hit the opponent.⧛ La mossa non colpisce l'avversario.
The substitute appeared. de⧚The substitute appeared.⧛ Ha aparecido el sustituto. fr⧚The substitute appeared.⧛ Appare il sostituto.
It hit the substitute. de⧚It hit the substitute.⧛ Ha alcanzado el sustituto. fr⧚It hit the substitute.⧛ Colpisce il sostituto.
hit de⧚hit⧛ Le ha dado. fr⧚hit⧛ colpito
transformed de⧚transformed⧛ se ha transformado. fr⧚transformed⧛ si trasforma
It's a Heart Swap. Any stat changes are about to be swapped. de⧚It's a Heart Swap. Any stat changes are about to be swapped.⧛ Cambia Almas intercambiará cualqier variación en las carecterísticas. fr⧚It's a Heart Swap. Any stat changes are about to be swapped.⧛ È un Cuorbaratto. Le modifiche alle statistiche vengono scambiate.
falls asleep because of Dark Void de⧚falls asleep because of Dark Void⧛ se ha quedado dormido a causa de Brecha Negra. fr⧚falls asleep because of Dark Void⧛ Si addormenta a causa di Vuototetro.
Oh no. It soaked up the Liquid Ooze. de⧚Oh no. It soaked up the Liquid Ooze.⧛ ¡Oh no! Ha absorbido Lodo Líquido. fr⧚Oh no. It soaked up the Liquid Ooze.⧛ Oh no! Assorbe la Melma.
It's twisting the dimensions in the Colosseum. de⧚It's twisting the dimensions in the Colosseum.⧛ Las dimensiones se están distorsionando. fr⧚It's twisting the dimensions in the Colosseum.⧛ Sta distorcendo le dimensioni dell'arena.
The twisted dimensions have been restored. de⧚The twisted dimensions have been restored.⧛ Las dimensiones han vuelto a la normalidad. fr⧚The twisted dimensions have been restored.⧛ Le dimensioni sono tornate alla normalità.
First strike. de⧚First strike.⧛ Primer golpe. fr⧚First strike.⧛ Primo colpo.
Quick Claw took effect. de⧚Quick Claw took effect.⧛ El Pokémon echa mano de Garra Rápida. fr⧚Quick Claw took effect.⧛ Rapidartigli fa effetto.
Power Herb took effect. It's all ready to go. de⧚Power Herb took effect. It's all ready to go.⧛ El Pokémon echa mano de Hierba Única. Está listo y preparado. fr⧚Power Herb took effect. It's all ready to go.⧛ Vigorerba fa effetto. Tutto a posto.
flies up high de⧚flies up high⧛ levanta el vuelo. fr⧚flies up high⧛ vola in alto
bounced up de⧚bounced up⧛ está rebotando. fr⧚bounced up⧛ balza in alto
burrowed its way underground de⧚burrowed its way underground⧛ está bajo tierra. fr⧚burrowed its way underground⧛ va sottoterra
hid underwater de⧚hid underwater⧛ se oculta bajo el agua. fr⧚hid underwater⧛ si nasconde sott'acqua
A whirlwind is whipped up. de⧚A whirlwind is whipped up.⧛ Ha aparecido un remolino. fr⧚A whirlwind is whipped up.⧛ Si forma un turbine d'aria.
became cloaked in blinding light de⧚became cloaked in blinding light⧛ está rodeado por una luz brillante. fr⧚became cloaked in blinding light⧛ è avvolto da una luce accecante
tucked in its head de⧚tucked in its head⧛ agachó la cabeza. fr⧚tucked in its head⧛ abbassa la testa
vanished instantly de⧚vanished instantly⧛ desapareció al instante. fr⧚vanished instantly⧛ sparisce improvvisamente
started absorbing the light de⧚started absorbing the light⧛ comenzó absorber luz. fr⧚started absorbing the light⧛ comincia ad assorbire la luce
protects itself de⧚protects itself⧛ se ha protegido. fr⧚protects itself⧛ si protegge
fell asleep de⧚fell asleep⧛ se ha quedado dormido. fr⧚fell asleep⧛ si addormenta
It fell asleep. de⧚It fell asleep.⧛ Se ha dormido. fr⧚It fell asleep.⧛ Si addormenta.
became paralyzed de⧚became paralyzed⧛ sufre parálisis. fr⧚became paralyzed⧛ è paralizzato
Ouch. It was paralyzed. de⧚Ouch. It was paralyzed.⧛ ¡Ay ay ay!, ha sido paralizado. fr⧚Ouch. It was paralyzed.⧛ Ah! È stato paralizzato.
became poisoned de⧚became poisoned⧛ ha sido envenenado. fr⧚became poisoned⧛ è stato avvelenato
Ah. It was poisoned. de⧚Ah. It was poisoned.⧛ Menudo contratiempo. Ha sido envenenado. fr⧚Ah. It was poisoned.⧛ No! È stato avvelenato.
became badly poisoned. de⧚became badly poisoned.⧛ ha sido gravamente envenenado. fr⧚became badly poisoned.⧛ è iperavvelenato
Ow. It was badly poisoned. de⧚Ow. It was badly poisoned.⧛ Ha sido gravamente envenenado. Eso debe doler. fr⧚Ow. It was badly poisoned.⧛ Ah! È iperavvelenato.
became frozen solid de⧚became frozen solid⧛ se ha quedado helado. fr⧚became frozen solid⧛ è stato congelato
Brr. It was frozen solid. de⧚Brr. It was frozen solid.⧛ Se ha quedado helado. Vaya rasca. fr⧚Brr. It was frozen solid.⧛ Brr, è stato congelato.
just got burned de⧚just got burned⧛ se ha quemado. fr⧚just got burned⧛ è stato scottato
It just got burned. de⧚It just got burned.⧛ Se acaba de quemar. fr⧚It just got burned.⧛ Ah, che scottatura!
became confused. de⧚became confused.⧛ Está confuso. fr⧚became confused.⧛ è confuso
D'oh. It was confused. de⧚D'oh. It was confused.⧛ El Pokémon está confuso. fr⧚D'oh. It was confused.⧛ No! È stato confuso.
became infatuated by the opponent's attraction de⧚became infatuated by the opponent's attraction⧛ se ha enamorado debido a la atracción de su contrincante. fr⧚became infatuated by the opponent's attraction⧛ Si infatua a causa dell'Attrazione dell'avversario.
Oh. It was infatuated by the opponent's attraction. de⧚Oh. It was infatuated by the opponent's attraction.⧛ El Pokémon se ha enamorado por la atracción de su contrincante. fr⧚Oh. It was infatuated by the opponent's attraction.⧛ Oh! Si infatua a causa dell'Attrazione dell'avversario.
It snapped out of its confusion. de⧚It snapped out of its confusion.⧛ El Pokémon ya no está confuso. fr⧚It snapped out of its confusion.⧛ Non è più confuso.
It thawed out. de⧚It thawed out.⧛ El Pokémon ya no está congelado. fr⧚It thawed out.⧛ Si è scongelato.
It woke up. de⧚It woke up.⧛ El Pokémon se ha despertado. fr⧚It woke up.⧛ Si è svegliato.
Its stats rose. de⧚Its stats rose.⧛ Sus carecterísticas han subido. fr⧚Its stats rose.⧛ Le statistiche aumentano.
Its stats fell. de⧚Its stats fell.⧛ es⧚Its stats fell.⧛ fr⧚Its stats fell.⧛ it⧚Its stats fell.⧛
Oops. Now its stats fell. de⧚Oops. Now its stats fell.⧛ Sus carecterísticas están bajando. fr⧚Oops. Now its stats fell.⧛ Ops! Le statistiche stanno calando.
Its speed rose. de⧚Its speed rose.⧛ Su Velocidad ha subido. fr⧚Its speed rose.⧛ La velocità aumenta.
Its evasiveness rose. de⧚Its evasiveness rose.⧛ Su evasión ha subido. fr⧚Its evasiveness rose.⧛ L'elusione aumenta.
Its accuracy rose. de⧚Its accuracy rose.⧛ Su precisión ha subido. fr⧚Its accuracy rose.⧛ La precisione aumenta.
Its attack rose. de⧚Its attack rose.⧛ Su Ataque ha subido. fr⧚Its attack rose.⧛ L'attacco aumenta.
Its special attack rose. de⧚Its special attack rose.⧛ Su Ataque Especial ha subido. fr⧚Its special attack rose.⧛ L'attacco speciale cresce.
Its defense rose. de⧚Its defense rose.⧛ Su Defensa ha subido. fr⧚Its defense rose.⧛ La difesa aumenta.
Its special defense rose. de⧚Its special defense rose.⧛ Su Defensa Especial ha subido. fr⧚Its special defense rose.⧛ La difesa speciale aumenta.
Its speed fell. de⧚Its speed fell.⧛ Su Velocidad ha bajado. fr⧚Its speed fell.⧛ La velocità diminuisce.
Its evasiveness fell. de⧚Its evasiveness fell.⧛ Su evasión ha bajado. fr⧚Its evasiveness fell.⧛ L'elusione diminuisce.
Its accuracy fell. de⧚Its accuracy fell.⧛ Su precisión ha bajado. fr⧚Its accuracy fell.⧛ La precisione cala.
Its attack fell. de⧚Its attack fell.⧛ Su Ataque ha bajado. fr⧚Its attack fell.⧛ L'attacco diminuisce.
Its special attack fell. de⧚Its special attack fell.⧛ Su Ataque Especial ha bajado. fr⧚Its special attack fell.⧛ L'attacco speciale diminuisce.
Its defense fell. de⧚Its defense fell.⧛ Su Defensa ha bajado. fr⧚Its defense fell.⧛ La difesa cala.
Its special defense fell. de⧚Its special defense fell.⧛ Su Defensa Especial ha bajado. fr⧚Its special defense fell.⧛ La difesa speciale cala.
There's no more effect. de⧚There's no more effect.⧛ es⧚There's no more effect.⧛ fr⧚There's no more effect.⧛ it⧚There's no more effect.⧛
That stat won't go any higher. de⧚That stat won't go any higher.⧛ Esa característica no puede subir más. fr⧚That stat won't go any higher.⧛ Quella statistica non può aumentare oltre.
That stat won't go any lower. de⧚That stat won't go any lower.⧛ Esa característica no puede bajar más. fr⧚That stat won't go any lower.⧛ Quella statistica non può diminuire oltre.
Bam (beh)! de⧚Bam (beh)!⧛ ¡Bam! fr⧚Bam (beh)!⧛ Pam!
Solid hit. de⧚Solid hit.⧛ es⧚Solid hit.⧛ fr⧚Solid hit.⧛ Un colpo energico.
Ooh! de⧚Ooh!⧛ ¡Uy! fr⧚Ooh!⧛ Uh!
Oh! de⧚Oh!⧛ ¡Ay! fr⧚Oh!⧛ Oh!
That dealt some damage. de⧚That dealt some damage.⧛ Se aprecian ciertos daños. fr⧚That dealt some damage.⧛ Il danno è considerevole.
There was collateral damage. de⧚There was collateral damage.⧛ Aunque ha provocado daños colaterales. fr⧚There was collateral damage.⧛ Ha causato dei danni collaterali.
That was excellent teamwork. de⧚That was excellent teamwork.⧛ Excelente trabajo en equipo. fr⧚That was excellent teamwork.⧛ La collaborazione è stata perfetta.
But only its teammate was affected. de⧚But only its teammate was affected.⧛ Aunque su compañero ha pagado el pato. fr⧚But only its teammate was affected.⧛ Ma solo il compagno di squadra ne subisce le conseguenze.
barely holds on de⧚barely holds on⧛ resiste como puede. fr⧚barely holds on⧛ resiste a malapena
barely holds on de⧚barely holds on⧛ resiste como puede. fr⧚barely holds on⧛ resiste a malapena
Such amazing power. de⧚Such amazing power.⧛ Esto se pone al rojo vivo. fr⧚Such amazing power.⧛ Che potenza!
It's a direct hit. de⧚It's a direct hit.⧛ Le ha acertado de lleno. fr⧚It's a direct hit.⧛ Precisissimo.
faces a great deal of pressure de⧚faces a great deal of pressure⧛ está contra las cuerdas. fr⧚faces a great deal of pressure⧛ È sempre più sotto pressione.
faces a great deal of pressure de⧚faces a great deal of pressure⧛ está contra las cuerdas. fr⧚faces a great deal of pressure⧛ È sempre più sotto pressione.
That dealt some damage too. de⧚That dealt some damage too.⧛ Los daños son apreciables. fr⧚That dealt some damage too.⧛ E il danno è considerevole.
That dealt some massive damage. de⧚That dealt some massive damage.⧛ Los daños son palpables. fr⧚That dealt some massive damage.⧛ Provoca un danno consistente.
But this is not a favorable matchup. de⧚But this is not a favorable matchup.⧛ Aunque no es la elección más apropriada. fr⧚But this is not a favorable matchup.⧛ Ma la mossa non è molto efficace.
But rain cuts its effectiveness. de⧚But rain cuts its effectiveness.⧛ Aunque la lluvia disminuye su efectividad. fr⧚But rain cuts its effectiveness.⧛ Ma la pioggia riduce l'efficacia della mossa.
But strong sunlight drops its effectiveness. de⧚But strong sunlight drops its effectiveness.⧛ Aunque el sol disminuye su efectividad. fr⧚But strong sunlight drops its effectiveness.⧛ Ma la luce solare riduce l'efficacia della mossa.
Is this part of the plan? de⧚Is this part of the plan?⧛ ¿Formará parte de alguna estratagema? fr⧚Is this part of the plan?⧛ Farà parte della strategia?
Why would they fight each other? de⧚Why would they fight each other?⧛ ¿A qué viene este toma y daca? fr⧚Why would they fight each other?⧛ Non ha senso che si danneggino a vicenda.
But the target Pokémon is in the air. The attack missed. de⧚But the target Pokémon is in the air. The attack missed.⧛ Pero falla. El blanco estaba en el aire afuera de su alcance. fr⧚But the target Pokémon is in the air. The attack missed.⧛ Ma il Pokémon è a mezz'aria. L'attacco non va a segno.
But the target Pokémon is bouncing around. The attack missed. de⧚But the target Pokémon is bouncing around. The attack missed.⧛ Pero falla. El blanco rebotó afuera de su alcance. fr⧚But the target Pokémon is bouncing around. The attack missed.⧛ Ma il Pokémon sta rimbalzando. L'attacco non va a segno.
But the target Pokémon is in the water. de⧚But the target Pokémon is in the water.⧛ Pero falla. El blanco estaba en el agua. fr⧚But the target Pokémon is in the water.⧛ Ma il Pokémon è nell'acqua.
But the target Pokémon is underground. de⧚But the target Pokémon is underground.⧛ Pero falla. El blanco estaba bajo tierra. fr⧚But the target Pokémon is underground.⧛ Ma il Pokémon è sottoterra.
Guillotine does massive damage. de⧚Guillotine does massive damage.⧛ Guillotina causa grandes daños. fr⧚Guillotine does massive damage.⧛ Ghigliottina provoca danni enormi.
Mega Kick hits hard. de⧚Mega Kick hits hard.⧛ Mega Patada cierta de lleno. fr⧚Mega Kick hits hard.⧛ Megacalcio infligge un duro colpo.
Horn Drill impales its target. de⧚Horn Drill impales its target.⧛ Perforador socava el Pokémon. fr⧚Horn Drill impales its target.⧛ È trafitto da Perforcorno.
A hard hit from Body Slam. de⧚A hard hit from Body Slam.⧛ Menuda embestida con Golpe Cuerpo. fr⧚A hard hit from Body Slam.⧛ Corposcontro infligge un duro colpo.
Sliced apart by Double-Edge de⧚Sliced apart by Double-Edge⧛ Doble Filo lo hiere. fr⧚Sliced apart by Double-Edge⧛ È colpito di netto da Sdoppiatore.
Singed by Flamethrower. de⧚Singed by Flamethrower.⧛ Lanazallamas chamusca el blanco. fr⧚Singed by Flamethrower.⧛ È scottato da Lanciafiamme.
Swamped by Hydro Pump. de⧚Swamped by Hydro Pump.⧛ Hidrobomba ducha el Pokémon. fr⧚Swamped by Hydro Pump.⧛ È travolto da Idropompa.
Soaked by Surf. de⧚Soaked by Surf.⧛ Surf inunda la distancia. fr⧚Soaked by Surf.⧛ Surf provoca un'ondata enorme.
Ice Beam hits. de⧚Ice Beam hits.⧛ Ha sido alcanzado por Rayo Hielo. fr⧚Ice Beam hits.⧛ Geloraggio colpisce.
A frigid shot from Blizzard. de⧚A frigid shot from Blizzard.⧛ Impacto directo con Ventisca. fr⧚A frigid shot from Blizzard.⧛ Bora provoca una tempesta di ghiaccio.
Blasted by Hyper Beam. de⧚Blasted by Hyper Beam.⧛ Alcanzado de lleno con Hiperrayo. fr⧚Blasted by Hyper Beam.⧛ È travolto da Iper Raggio.
Nailed by Drill Peck. de⧚Nailed by Drill Peck.⧛ Pico Taladro golpe a fuerte. fr⧚Nailed by Drill Peck.⧛ È inchiodato da Perforbecco.
Counter hits back. de⧚Counter hits back.⧛ Contador se la cobra de vuelta. fr⧚Counter hits back.⧛ Contatore replica l'attacco.
Hurled by Seismic Toss. de⧚Hurled by Seismic Toss.⧛ Movimiento Sísmico le hace ver las estrellas. fr⧚Hurled by Seismic Toss.⧛ È scaraventato via da Movimento Sismico.
Seared by Solar Beam. de⧚Seared by Solar Beam.⧛ Abrasado con Rayo Solar. fr⧚Seared by Solar Beam.⧛ È scottato da Solarraggio.
Zapped by Thunderbolt. de⧚Zapped by Thunderbolt.⧛ es⧚Zapped by Thunderbolt.⧛ fr⧚Zapped by Thunderbolt.⧛ È colpito da Fulmine.
Thunder detonates with a boom. de⧚Thunder detonates with a boom.⧛ es⧚Thunder detonates with a boom.⧛ fr⧚Thunder detonates with a boom.⧛ Tuono provoca una detonazione.
Earthquake tears open the ground. de⧚Earthquake tears open the ground.⧛ Terremoto sacude el suelo. fr⧚Earthquake tears open the ground.⧛ Terremoto squarcia il terreno.
Fissure opens an abyss of destruction. de⧚Fissure opens an abyss of destruction.⧛ Fisura abre un abismo de destrucción. fr⧚Fissure opens an abyss of destruction.⧛ Si apre un Abisso devastante.
Hit by Psychic. de⧚Hit by Psychic.⧛ Acercado de lleno con Psíquico. fr⧚Hit by Psychic.⧛ È colpito da Psichico.
Self-Destruct detonates. de⧚Self-Destruct detonates.⧛ Y detona Autodestrucción. fr⧚Self-Destruct detonates.⧛ Autodistruzione provoca un'esplosione.
Torched by Fire Blast. de⧚Torched by Fire Blast.⧛ Calcinado por Llamarada. fr⧚Torched by Fire Blast.⧛ Fuocobomba provoca una fiammata travolgente.
Sky Attack rains down havoc. de⧚Sky Attack rains down havoc.⧛ Ataque Aéreo desata el caos. fr⧚Sky Attack rains down havoc.⧛ Aeroattacco provoca devestazione.
Annihilated by Explosion. de⧚Annihilated by Explosion.⧛ Explosión arrata su paso. fr⧚Annihilated by Explosion.⧛ Un'Esplosione devastante.
Rock Slide tumbles down. de⧚Rock Slide tumbles down.⧛ Avalancha cae sobre el blanco. fr⧚Rock Slide tumbles down.⧛ Cade una Frana.
Blown away by Aeroblast. de⧚Blown away by Aeroblast.⧛ Aerochorro le atizo un buen golpe. fr⧚Blown away by Aeroblast.⧛ È colpito dal vortice di Aerocolpo.
Slimed by Sludge Bomb. de⧚Slimed by Sludge Bomb.⧛ Queda enfangado con Bomba Lodo. fr⧚Slimed by Sludge Bomb.⧛ È infangato dalla melma di Fangobomba.
Shocked by Zap Cannon. de⧚Shocked by Zap Cannon.⧛ Electrocañón lo deja conmocionado. fr⧚Shocked by Zap Cannon.⧛ Falcecannone provoca uno shock.
Destiny Bond connects. de⧚Destiny Bond connects.⧛ Conectado con Mismo Destino. fr⧚Destiny Bond connects.⧛ Medesima sorte a causa di Destinobbligato.
Smacked down by Outrage. de⧚Smacked down by Outrage.⧛ Enfado le pasa factura. fr⧚Smacked down by Outrage.⧛ La furia di Oltraggio è travolgente.
Hit by Return. de⧚Hit by Return.⧛ Golpeado por Retroceso. fr⧚Hit by Return.⧛ È colpito da Ritorno.
Hit by Frustration. de⧚Hit by Frustration.⧛ es⧚Hit by Frustration.⧛ fr⧚Hit by Frustration.⧛ È colpito da Frustrazione.
Set aflame by Sacred Fire. de⧚Set aflame by Sacred Fire.⧛ Fuego Sagrado llamea con fuerza. fr⧚Set aflame by Sacred Fire.⧛ Magifuoco provoca delle intense fiammate.
Magnitude shakes the ground. de⧚Magnitude shakes the ground.⧛ Magnitud hace temblar el suelo. fr⧚Magnitude shakes the ground.⧛ Magnitudo fa tremare il terreno.
Beaten down by Dynamic Punch. de⧚Beaten down by Dynamic Punch.⧛ Golpeado pur Puño Dinámico. fr⧚Beaten down by Dynamic Punch.⧛ È colpito da Dinamipugno.
Pierced by Megahorn. de⧚Pierced by Megahorn.⧛ Menuda embestida de Megacuerno. fr⧚Pierced by Megahorn.⧛ È infilzato da Megacorno.
Mirror Coat echoes back. de⧚Mirror Coat echoes back.⧛ Manto Espejo refleja ecos del pasado. fr⧚Mirror Coat echoes back.⧛ Specchiovelo replica l'attacco.
Shadow Ball hits. de⧚Shadow Ball hits.⧛ Bola Sombra da en el blanco. fr⧚Shadow Ball hits.⧛ Palla Ombra colpisce.
Burned by Heat Wave. de⧚Burned by Heat Wave.⧛ Onda Ígnea abrasa el Pokémon. fr⧚Burned by Heat Wave.⧛ Ondacalda provoca una folata di scirocco.
Slammed by Focus Punch. de⧚Slammed by Focus Punch.⧛ Menudo embate con Puño Certero. fr⧚Slammed by Focus Punch.⧛ È colpito violentemente da Centripugno.
Devastated by Super Power. de⧚Devastated by Super Power.⧛ Fuerza Brutal remete contra él. fr⧚Devastated by Super Power.⧛ È sbaragliato da Troppoforte.
Hit by Brick Break. de⧚Hit by Brick Break.⧛ Demolición alcanza el objetivo. fr⧚Hit by Brick Break.⧛ È colpito da Breccia.
Nailed by Eruption. de⧚Nailed by Eruption.⧛ Estallido le sacude. fr⧚Nailed by Eruption.⧛ La potenza di Eruzione colpisce.
Teeter Dance causes confusion. de⧚Teeter Dance causes confusion.⧛ Danza Caos le confunde. fr⧚Teeter Dance causes confusion.⧛ Strampadanza provoca confusione.
Hyper Voice hits. de⧚Hyper Voice hits.⧛ Vozarrón le estremece. fr⧚Hyper Voice hits.⧛ Granvoce colpisce.
Immolated by Blast Burn. de⧚Immolated by Blast Burn.⧛ Anillo Ígneo golpea de lleno. fr⧚Immolated by Blast Burn.⧛ Scoppia un Incendio.
Deluged by Hydro Cannon. de⧚Deluged by Hydro Cannon.⧛ Hidrocañón cala al blanco hasta los huesos. fr⧚Deluged by Hydro Cannon.⧛ È sommerso da Idrocannone.
Cooked by Overheat. de⧚Cooked by Overheat.⧛ Sofoco crea un bochorno abrasador. fr⧚Cooked by Overheat.⧛ È scottato da Vampata.
Hit by Silver Wind. de⧚Hit by Silver Wind.⧛ Viento Plata azota con fuerza. fr⧚Hit by Silver Wind.⧛ È colpito da Ventargenteo.
Drenched by Water Spout. de⧚Drenched by Water Spout.⧛ Salpicar empapa el Pokémon. fr⧚Drenched by Water Spout.⧛ È colpito dal getto di Zampillo.
Sheer Cold delivers chilling misery. de⧚Sheer Cold delivers chilling misery.⧛ Frío Polar hiela el blanco. fr⧚Sheer Cold delivers chilling misery.⧛ Purogelo provoca un freddo penetrante.
Splashed by Muddy Water. de⧚Splashed by Muddy Water.⧛ es⧚Splashed by Muddy Water.⧛ fr⧚Splashed by Muddy Water.⧛ Fanghiglia inonda il campo.
Aerial Ace hits. de⧚Aerial Ace hits.⧛ Golpe Aéreo atina en el blanco. fr⧚Aerial Ace hits.⧛ Aeroassalto colpisce.
Ripped by Dragon Claw. de⧚Ripped by Dragon Claw.⧛ Garra Dragón desgarra el objetivo. fr⧚Ripped by Dragon Claw.⧛ È graffiato da Dragartigli.
Shredded by Frenzy Plant. de⧚Shredded by Frenzy Plant.⧛ Planta Feroz tritura el objetivo. fr⧚Shredded by Frenzy Plant.⧛ È colpito da Radicalbero.
Slammed by Volt Tackle. de⧚Slammed by Volt Tackle.⧛ Placaje Eléctrico descarga sobre el Pokémon. fr⧚Slammed by Volt Tackle.⧛ Subisce la scarica di Locomovolt.
Torn apart by Psycho Boost. de⧚Torn apart by Psycho Boost.⧛ Psicoataque mortifica el blanco. fr⧚Torn apart by Psycho Boost.⧛ È travolto da Psicoslancio.
Beaten down by Close Combat. de⧚Beaten down by Close Combat.⧛ Menuda paliza con A Bocajarro. fr⧚Beaten down by Close Combat.⧛ Subisce il colpo di Zuffa.
Last Resort hits. de⧚Last Resort hits.⧛ Última Baza alcanza el objetivo. fr⧚Last Resort hits.⧛ Ultimascelta colpisce.
Torched by Flare Blitz. de⧚Torched by Flare Blitz.⧛ es⧚Torched by Flare Blitz.⧛ fr⧚Torched by Flare Blitz.⧛ È travolto dalle fiammate di Fuococarica.
Hit by Aura Sphere. de⧚Hit by Aura Sphere.⧛ Esfera Aural acierta de lleno. fr⧚Hit by Aura Sphere.⧛ È colpito da Forzasfera.
Dark Pulse hits. de⧚Dark Pulse hits.⧛ Pulso Umbrío se cierne sobre el blanco. fr⧚Dark Pulse hits.⧛ Neropulsar colpisce.
Hit by Dragon Pulse. de⧚Hit by Dragon Pulse.⧛ Pulso Dragón golpea sin piedad. fr⧚Hit by Dragon Pulse.⧛ È colpito da Dragopulsar.
Busted by Focus Blast. de⧚Busted by Focus Blast.⧛ es⧚Busted by Focus Blast.⧛ fr⧚Busted by Focus Blast.⧛ È messo al tappeto da Focalcolpo.
Energy Ball hits. de⧚Energy Ball hits.⧛ es⧚Energy Ball hits.⧛ fr⧚Energy Ball hits.⧛ Energipalla colpisce.
Nailed by Brave Bird. de⧚Nailed by Brave Bird.⧛ Pájaro Osado le alcanza de pleno. fr⧚Nailed by Brave Bird.⧛ È travolto dalla potenza di Baldeali.
Crushed by Giga Impact. de⧚Crushed by Giga Impact.⧛ Giga Impacto aplasta el Pokémon. fr⧚Crushed by Giga Impact.⧛ Gigaimpatto carica con impeto.
Shadow Claw hits. de⧚Shadow Claw hits.⧛ Garra Umbría fustiga implacable. fr⧚Shadow Claw hits.⧛ Ombrartigli colpisce.
Hit by Flash Cannon de⧚Hit by Flash Cannon⧛ Foco Resplandor impacta de pleno. fr⧚Hit by Flash Cannon⧛ È colpito da Cannonflash.
Pounded by Draco Meteor de⧚Pounded by Draco Meteor⧛ Cometa Draco le aplasta con fuerza. fr⧚Pounded by Draco Meteor⧛ È colpito da Dragobolide.
Discharge hits. de⧚Discharge hits.⧛ Chispazo le alcanza. fr⧚Discharge hits.⧛ Scarica colpisce.
Hit by Lava Plume. de⧚Hit by Lava Plume.⧛ es⧚Hit by Lava Plume.⧛ fr⧚Hit by Lava Plume.⧛ Lavasbuffo colpisce.
Torn up by Leaf Storm de⧚Torn up by Leaf Storm⧛ Lluevehojas castiga el Pokémon. fr⧚Torn up by Leaf Storm⧛ Verdebufera attacca duramente.
Lashed by Power Whip. de⧚Lashed by Power Whip.⧛ Latigazo le vapulea. fr⧚Lashed by Power Whip.⧛ È sferzato da Vigorcolpo.
Demolished by Rock Wrecker. de⧚Demolished by Rock Wrecker.⧛ Romperrocas lo derriba. fr⧚Demolished by Rock Wrecker.⧛ È travolto da Devastomasso.
Hit by Gunk Shot. de⧚Hit by Gunk Shot.⧛ Lanza Mugre da en el blanco. fr⧚Hit by Gunk Shot.⧛ È colpito da Sporcolancio.
Sliced by Stone Edge. de⧚Sliced by Stone Edge.⧛ es⧚Sliced by Stone Edge.⧛ fr⧚Sliced by Stone Edge.⧛ È colpito da Pietrataglio.
Judgment has been dealt. de⧚Judgment has been dealt.⧛ Se ha pronunciado Sentencia. fr⧚Judgment has been dealt.⧛ Giudizio è andato a segno.
Pounded by Wood Hammer. de⧚Pounded by Wood Hammer.⧛ Mazazo atiza con fuerza. fr⧚Pounded by Wood Hammer.⧛ È caricato da Mazzuolegno.
Slammed by Head Smash. de⧚Slammed by Head Smash.⧛ Menudo golpe con Testarazo. fr⧚Slammed by Head Smash.⧛ È colpito violentemente da Zuccata.
Ripped by Roar of Time. de⧚Ripped by Roar of Time.⧛ Distorsión le ha tormenta. fr⧚Ripped by Roar of Time.⧛ È colpito dalla forza di Fragortempo.
Torn apart by Spacial Rend. de⧚Torn apart by Spacial Rend.⧛ es⧚Torn apart by Spacial Rend.⧛ fr⧚Torn apart by Spacial Rend.⧛ È lacerato da Fendispazio.
Smashed by Crush Grip. de⧚Smashed by Crush Grip.⧛ Agarrón lo pulveriza. fr⧚Smashed by Crush Grip.⧛ È schiacciato da Sbriciolmano.
Incinerated by Magma Storm. de⧚Incinerated by Magma Storm.⧛ Lluvia Ígnea incinera el Pokémon. fr⧚Incinerated by Magma Storm.⧛ È bruciato dal calore di Magmaclisma.
Ripped in two by Seed Flare. de⧚Ripped in two by Seed Flare.⧛ Fogonazo le alcanza. fr⧚Ripped in two by Seed Flare.⧛ Infuriaseme attacca con violenza.
Complete destruction by Shadow Force. de⧚Complete destruction by Shadow Force.⧛ Golpe Umbrío le fulmina. fr⧚Complete destruction by Shadow Force.⧛ Oscurotuffo provoca distruzione.
The Blue Corner has won the first round with a single hit. de⧚The Blue Corner has won the first round with a single hit.⧛ A la esquina azul le ha bastado un solo ataque para ganar la primera ronda. fr⧚The Blue Corner has won the first round with a single hit.⧛ Il team blu ha vinto il primo round in un solo colpo.
The Blue Corner is knocked out after one hit. de⧚The Blue Corner is knocked out after one hit.⧛ La esquina azul es noqueada en el primer salto. fr⧚The Blue Corner is knocked out after one hit.⧛ Il team blu è andato KO dopo un solo colpo.
The Blue Corner won the first round. de⧚The Blue Corner won the first round.⧛ La esquina azul vence en la primera ronda. fr⧚The Blue Corner won the first round.⧛ Il team blu ha avuto la meglio nel primo round.
The Blue Corner has lost the first round. de⧚The Blue Corner has lost the first round.⧛ La esquina azul ha perdido la primera ronda. fr⧚The Blue Corner has lost the first round.⧛ Il team blu ha perso il primo round.
The Blue Corner has two wins so far. de⧚The Blue Corner has two wins so far.⧛ La esquina azul ya tiene dos victorias. fr⧚The Blue Corner has two wins so far.⧛ Il team blu ha all'attivo due vittorie.
The Blue Corner just keeps on losing. de⧚The Blue Corner just keeps on losing.⧛ La esquina azul sigue anotando derrotas. fr⧚The Blue Corner just keeps on losing.⧛ Il team blu continua a perdere.
The Blue Corner has two consecutive losses. de⧚The Blue Corner has two consecutive losses.⧛ es⧚The Blue Corner has two consecutive losses.⧛ fr⧚The Blue Corner has two consecutive losses.⧛ Il team blu ha incassato due sconfitte.
One win and one loss. It's all even now. de⧚One win and one loss. It's all even now.⧛ Una victoria y una derrota. Los marcadores se equilibran. fr⧚One win and one loss. It's all even now.⧛ Una vittoria e una sconfitta. La situazione è equilibrata.
The Blue Corner now has two wins and one loss. de⧚The Blue Corner now has two wins and one loss.⧛ La esquina azul ha perdido una vez, pero cuenta con dos victorias. fr⧚The Blue Corner now has two wins and one loss.⧛ Il team blu ha vinto due volte ed ha incassato una sconfitta.
The Blue Corner has lost this round. They have two wins and one loss. de⧚The Blue Corner has lost this round. They have two wins and one loss.⧛ La esquina azul ha perdido en esta ocasión. Lleva dos victorias y una derrota. fr⧚The Blue Corner has lost this round. They have two wins and one loss.⧛ Il team blu ha perso questo round. Ha ottenuto due vittorie e una sconfitta.
It's at two wins and two losses. A breathtakingly close fight. de⧚It's at two wins and two losses. A breathtakingly close fight.⧛ Dos victorias y dos derrotas. La lucha está igualísima. fr⧚It's at two wins and two losses. A breathtakingly close fight.⧛ Due vittorie e due sconfitte. È una lotta serrata.
The first round's a tie. de⧚The first round's a tie.⧛ La primera ronda se salda con un empate. fr⧚The first round's a tie.⧛ Il primo round finisce in parità.
Another draw. de⧚Another draw.⧛ Otro empate más. fr⧚Another draw.⧛ Ancora un pareggio.
Another draw. It's still tied. de⧚Another draw. It's still tied.⧛ Un nuevo empate. Ambas esquinas están muy igualadas. fr⧚Another draw. It's still tied.⧛ Un altro pareggio. Nulla di fatto.
The Blue Corner won the round. de⧚The Blue Corner won the round.⧛ La esquina azul ha ganado en esta ocasión. fr⧚The Blue Corner won the round.⧛ Il team blu ha vinto questo round.
The Blue Corner lost the round. de⧚The Blue Corner lost the round.⧛ La esquina azul ha perdido en esta ocasión. fr⧚The Blue Corner lost the round.⧛ Il team blu ha perso questo round.
This round was a draw. de⧚This round was a draw.⧛ Tenemos un empate en esta ocasión. fr⧚This round was a draw.⧛ Questo round finisce in parità.
The Blue Corner could claim victory here with two wins and one loss. de⧚The Blue Corner could claim victory here with two wins and one loss.⧛ es⧚The Blue Corner could claim victory here with two wins and one loss.⧛ fr⧚The Blue Corner could claim victory here with two wins and one loss.⧛ it⧚The Blue Corner could claim victory here with two wins and one loss.⧛
That's a tough start. de⧚That's a tough start.⧛ es⧚That's a tough start.⧛ fr⧚That's a tough start.⧛ Un inizio difficile.
That's a smooth start. de⧚That's a smooth start.⧛ Comienza con buen pie. fr⧚That's a smooth start.⧛ È un ottimo inizio.
One more win and victory will be claimed. de⧚One more win and victory will be claimed.⧛ Una más, y el desafío es suyo. fr⧚One more win and victory will be claimed.⧛ Ancora una vittoria e il trionfo sarà assicurato.
They are not in a good place right now. de⧚They are not in a good place right now.⧛ Su situación no es nada envidiable. fr⧚They are not in a good place right now.⧛ Le cose non vanno molto bene.
And a not a single win. de⧚And a not a single win.⧛ Ninguna victoria está el momento. fr⧚And a not a single win.⧛ E neppure una vittoria.
Time to focus. The next round will determine the outcome. de⧚Time to focus. The next round will determine the outcome.⧛ es⧚Time to focus. The next round will determine the outcome.⧛ fr⧚Time to focus. The next round will determine the outcome.⧛ Bisogna concentrarsi. Il prossimo round potrebbe essere determinante.
The next round will determine the outcome. de⧚The next round will determine the outcome.⧛ La próxima ronda marcará la diferencia. fr⧚The next round will determine the outcome.⧛ Il prossimo è un round molto importante.
Can they win the next round and take the battle? de⧚Can they win the next round and take the battle?⧛ ¿Logrará vencer en la siguiente ronda y superar así el desafío? fr⧚Can they win the next round and take the battle?⧛ Riuscirà ad aggiudicarsi il prossimo round e accaparrarsi la vittoria?
The next round will determine everything. de⧚The next round will determine everything.⧛ Todo dependerá de lo que ocurra en la siguiente ronda. fr⧚The next round will determine everything.⧛ Il prossimo round è quello decisivo.


2 Ivysaur
3 Venusaur
4 Charmander
5 Charmeleon
6 Charizard
7 Squirtle
8 Wartortle
9 Blastoise
10 Caterpie
11 Metapod
12 Butterfree
13 Weedle
14 Kakuna
15 Beedrill
16 Pidgey
17 Pidgeotto
18 Pidgeot
19 Rattata
20 Raticate
21 Spearow
22 Fearow
23 Ekans
24 Arbok
25 Pikachu
26 Raichu
27 Sandshrew
28 Sandslash
29 Nidoran-F
30 Nidorina
31 Nidoqueen
32 Nidoran-M
33 Nidorino
34 Nidoking
35 Clefairy
36 Clefable
37 Vulpix
38 Ninetales
39 Jigglypuff
40 Wigglytuff
41 Zubat
42 Golbat
43 Oddish
44 Gloom
45 Vileplume
46 Paras
47 Parasect
48 Venonat
49 Venomoth
50 Diglett
51 Dugtrio
52 Meowth
53 Persian
54 Psyduck
55 Golduck
56 Mankey
57 Primeape
58 Growlithe
59 Arcanine
60 Poliwag
61 Poliwhirl
62 Poliwrath
63 Abra
64 Kadabra
65 Alakazam
66 Machop
67 Machoke
68 Machamp
69 Bellsprout
70 Weepinbell
71 Victreebel
72 Tentacool
73 Tentacruel
74 Geodude
75 Graveler
76 Golem
77 Ponyta
78 Rapidash
79 Slowpoke
80 Slowbro
81 Magnemite
82 Magneton
83 Farfetchd
84 Doduo
85 Dodrio
86 Seel
87 Dewgong
88 Grimer
89 Muk
90 Shellder
91 Cloyster
92 Gastly
93 Haunter
94 Gengar
95 Onix
96 Drowzee
97 Hypno
98 Krabby
99 Kingler
100 Voltorb
101 Electrode
102 Exeggcute
103 Exeggutor
104 Cubone
105 Marowak
106 Hitmonlee
107 Hitmonchan
108 Lickitung
109 Koffing
110 Weezing
111 Rhyhorn
112 Rhydon
113 Chansey
114 Tangela
115 Kangaskhan
116 Horsea
117 Seadra
118 Goldeen
119 Seaking
120 Staryu
121 Starmie
122 Mr-Mime
123 Scyther
124 Jynx
125 Electabuzz
126 Magmar
127 Pinsir
128 Tauros
129 Magikarp
130 Gyarados
131 Lapras
132 Ditto
133 Eevee
134 Vaporeon
135 Jolteon
136 Flareon
137 Porygon
138 Omanyte
139 Omastar
140 Kabuto
141 Kabutops
142 Aerodactyl
143 Snorlax
144 Articuno
145 Zapdos
146 Moltres
147 Dratini
148 Dragonair
149 Dragonite
150 Mewtwo
151 Mew
152 Chikorita
153 Bayleef
154 Meganium
155 Cyndaquil
156 Quilava
157 Typhlosion
158 Totodile
159 Croconaw
160 Feraligatr
161 Sentret
162 Furret
163 Hoothoot
164 Noctowl
165 Ledyba
166 Ledian
167 Spinarak
168 Ariados
169 Crobat
170 Chinchou
171 Lanturn
172 Pichu
173 Cleffa
174 Igglybuff
175 Togepi
176 Togetic
177 Natu
178 Xatu
179 Mareep
180 Flaaffy
181 Ampharos
182 Bellossom
183 Marill
184 Azumarill
185 Sudowoodo
186 Politoed
187 Hoppip
188 Skiploom
189 Jumpluff
190 Aipom
191 Sunkern
192 Sunflora
193 Yanma
194 Wooper
195 Quagsire
196 Espeon
197 Umbreon
198 Murkrow
199 Slowking
200 Misdreavus
201 Unown
202 Wobbuffet
203 Girafarig
204 Pineco
205 Forretress
206 Dunsparce
207 Gligar
208 Steelix
209 Snubbull
210 Granbull
211 Qwilfish
212 Scizor
213 Shuckle
214 Heracross
215 Sneasel
216 Teddiursa
217 Ursaring
218 Slugma
219 Magcargo
220 Swinub
221 Piloswine
222 Corsola
223 Remoraid
224 Octillery
225 Delibird
226 Mantine
227 Skarmory
228 Houndour
229 Houndoom
230 Kingdra
231 Phanpy
232 Donphan
233 Porygon2
234 Stantler
235 Smeargle
236 Tyrogue
237 Hitmontop
238 Smoochum
239 Elekid
240 Magby
241 Miltank
242 Blissey
243 Raikou
244 Entei
245 Suicune
246 Larvitar
247 Pupitar
248 Tyranitar
249 Lugia
250 Ho-Oh
251 Celebi
252 Treecko
253 Grovyle
254 Sceptile
255 Torchic
256 Combusken
257 Blaziken
258 Mudkip
259 Marshtomp
260 Swampert
261 Poochyena
262 Mightyena
263 Zigzagoon
264 Linoone
265 Wurmple
266 Silcoon
267 Beautifly
268 Cascoon
269 Dustox
270 Lotad
271 Lombre
272 Ludicolo
273 Seedot
274 Nuzleaf
275 Shiftry
276 Taillow
277 Swellow
278 Wingull
279 Pelipper
280 Ralts
281 Kirlia
282 Gardevoir
283 Surskit
284 Masquerain
285 Shroomish
286 Breloom
287 Slakoth
288 Vigoroth
289 Slaking
290 Nincada
291 Ninjask
292 Shedinja
293 Whismur
294 Loudred
295 Exploud
296 Makuhita
297 Hariyama
298 Azurill
299 Nosepass
300 Skitty
301 Delcatty
302 Sableye
303 Mawile
304 Aron
305 Lairon
306 Aggron
307 Meditite
308 Medicham
309 Electrike
310 Manectric
311 Plusle
312 Minun
313 Volbeat
314 Illumise
315 Roselia
316 Gulpin
317 Swalot
318 Carvanha
319 Sharpedo
320 Wailmer
321 Wailord
322 Numel
323 Camerupt
324 Torkoal
325 Spoink
326 Grumpig
327 Spinda
328 Trapinch
329 Vibrava
330 Flygon
331 Cacnea
332 Cacturne
333 Swablu
334 Altaria
335 Zangoose
336 Seviper
337 Lunatone
338 Solrock
339 Barboach
340 Whiscash
341 Corphish
342 Crawdaunt
343 Baltoy
344 Claydol
345 Lileep
346 Cradily
347 Anorith
348 Armaldo
349 Feebas
350 Milotic
351 Castform
352 Kecleon
353 Shuppet
354 Banette
355 Duskull
356 Dusclops
357 Tropius
358 Chimecho
359 Absol
360 Wynaut
361 Snorunt
362 Glalie
363 Spheal
364 Sealeo
365 Walrein
366 Clamperl
367 Huntail
368 Gorebyss
369 Relicanth
370 Luvdisc
371 Bagon
372 Shelgon
373 Salamence
374 Beldum
375 Metang
376 Metagross
377 Regirock
378 Regice
379 Registeel
380 Latias
381 Latios
382 Kyogre
383 Groudon
384 Rayquaza
385 Jirachi
386 Deoxys
387 Turtwig
388 Grotle
389 Torterra
390 Chimchar
391 Monferno
392 Infernape
393 Piplup
394 Prinplup
395 Empoleon
396 Starly
397 Staravia
398 Staraptor
399 Bidoof
400 Bibarel
401 Kricketot
402 Kricketune
403 Shinx
404 Luxio
405 Luxray
406 Budew
407 Roserade
408 Cranidos
409 Rampardos
410 Shieldon
411 Bastiodon
412 Burmy
413 Wormadam
414 Mothim
415 Combee
416 Vespiquen
417 Pachirisu
418 Buizel
419 Floatzel
420 Cherubi
421 Cherrim
422 Shellos
423 Gastrodon
424 Ambipom
425 Drifloon
426 Drifblim
427 Buneary
428 Lopunny
429 Mismagius
430 Honchkrow
431 Glameow
432 Purugly
433 Chingling
434 Stunky
435 Skuntank
436 Bronzor
437 Bronzong
438 Bonsly
439 Mime-Jr
440 Happiny
441 Chatot
442 Spiritomb
443 Gible
444 Gabite
445 Garchomp
446 Munchlax
447 Riolu
448 Lucario
449 Hippopotas
450 Hippowdon
451 Skorupi
452 Drapion
453 Croagunk
454 Toxicroak
455 Carnivine
456 Finneon
457 Lumineon
458 Mantyke
459 Snover
460 Abomasnow
461 Weavile
462 Magnezone
463 Lickilicky
464 Rhyperior
465 Tangrowth
466 Electivire
467 Magmortar
468 Togekiss
469 Yanmega
470 Leafeon
471 Glaceon
472 Gliscor
473 Mamoswine
474 Porygon-Z
475 Gallade
476 Probopass
477 Dusknoir
478 Froslass
479 Rotom
480 Uxie
481 Mesprit
482 Azelf
483 Dialga
484 Palkia
485 Heatran
486 Regigigas
487 Giratina
488 Cresselia
489 Phione
490 Manaphy
491 Darkrai
492 Shaymin
493 Arceus